This happend to one of my friends a couple months ago. I let her borrow my round brush blowdryer, and she used some of her mousse and she got her bangs to part like side bangs, they were just really short but it looked ALOT better. So if you have a round brush blow dryer, they work SO GOOD for things like this. I have side bangs and i use my round brush blowdryer to part mine perfectly, and my hair always looks so cute. So if you are really desperate and don't have one, i would highly recommend going out and buying one first thing in the morning before you get ready for school.
2007-08-03 21:57:13
answer #1
answered by JaggedLittlePill 4
this is HONESTY! What interior the hell does or no longer it incredibly is counted what any human beings think of? you could stay jointly with your selection for some months and then it incredibly is going to enhance back! You teenagers kill me at here asking what a team of sweet sixteen strangers think of type one little percentthat is ninety 9.9999% frequently a contravention of YA TOS to start with then you certainly submit it a million circumstances in the previous you supply up. There are literally some human beings at here who're deranged with posting their damn percentevery freaking hour.
2016-10-13 22:26:16
answer #2
answered by ? 4
You know we can carry everything. As long as you do it with style.
Oh first day at college, is sad.
But u may FEEL you do not look good, but I am sure clothes will make u hep.
next time, never do hair at the last moment.
2007-08-03 21:59:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
UGH. Don't you hate hairstylists who do that! When the same thing happened to me, I used bobby pins and pinned the bangs back. Better no bangs showing, then stupid childlike fringe everywhere
I'm sorry you had to suffer
2007-08-03 21:54:57
answer #4
answered by lillian23 2
Well,sorry,i dont think you can do anything.Try your best to hide it by changing your style or something.Sorry again.Hope you get a better suggestion.
2007-08-03 21:52:42
answer #5
answered by Schumi 5
clip up your fringe to the sides or pull your hair that are behind to the front
2007-08-03 21:52:31
answer #6
answered by Ava 5
Stop freaking out and start a new trend, by cutting your hair yourself..
2007-08-03 21:51:30
answer #7
answered by Alex 3
LOL princess, come on, it can't be that bad...
I mean... have you seen Britney Spears a couple of months ago?...
2007-08-03 21:57:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
go to another salon to get your hair fixed
2007-08-03 21:56:08
answer #9
answered by Erick 1
Okay, first off, do not go into the laundry room. It's too risky.
2007-08-03 21:51:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous 3