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2007-08-03 12:34:22 · 10 answers · asked by maidmarian02 1 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

10 answers

I know this as a base in medical education
Freezing is 32*F=0*C

there is also a formula:

To go from Fahrenheit to Celsius:
Begin by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit number.
Divide the answer by 9.
Then multiply that answer by 5.

To go from Celsius to Fahrenheit:
Begin by multiplying the Celsius temperature by 9.
Divide the answer by 5.
Now add 32.

2007-08-03 12:39:07 · answer #1 · answered by xanadu625 3 · 0 0

To convert Celsius temperatures into Fahrenheit:

Begin by multiplying the Celsius temperature by 9.
Divide the answer by 5.
Now add 32.

Normal body temperature is between 34-40 degrees C, so of we take 34C:

34 x 9 = 306 / 5 = 61.2 + 32 = 93.2F

2007-08-03 13:08:52 · answer #2 · answered by sheeba711 2 · 1 0

You mean "fahrenheit" degrees? If so a body temperature of 98.8 fahrenheit is the equivalent of 37 degrees celsius.

Included are the formulas of conversion.

In the formulas below, / represents division, * represents multiplication, - subtraction, + addition and = is equal.

Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32); Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

For example, suppose you have a Fahrenheit temperature of 98.6 degrees and you wanted to convert it into degrees on the Celsius scale. Using the above formula, you would first subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and get 66.6 as a result. Then you multiply 66.6 by five-ninths and get the converted value of 37 degrees Celsius.

Below is the formula to convert a Celsius scale temperature into degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.

Tf = (9/5)*Tc+32; Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

Assume that you have a Celsius scale temperature of 100 degrees and you wish to convert it into degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. Using the stated formula, you first multiply the Celsius scale temperature reading by nine-fifths and get a result of 180. Then add 32 to 180 and get the final converted result of 212 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.

2007-08-03 12:43:50 · answer #3 · answered by HEC 3 · 0 0

Multiply by 9/5 (1.8) and add 32 degrees. an example:

38 Celsius will be 38 x 9/5 + 32

= 100.4 F

2007-08-03 12:40:20 · answer #4 · answered by Swamy 7 · 0 0

Do you mean Celsius to Fahrenheit?
If so use this easy site:

2007-08-03 12:39:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

temp in fahrenheit = (9 x temp in celsius/5)+32

so if your body temp is 38 degrees C, this equates to

100.4 degrees F

temp in C = (5/9)(F-32)

so that 98.6, normal body temp in F =37 degrees C

2007-08-03 12:43:53 · answer #6 · answered by VampireDog 6 · 0 0

100.4 F In Celsius

2016-11-09 20:11:09 · answer #7 · answered by cazeau 4 · 0 0

Regular body temperature is 98.4°F.

(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F
36.9°C x 1.8 = 66.4
66.4 + 32 = 98.4°F

(°F - 32) ÷ 1.8 = °C
98.4°F - 32 = 66.4
66.4 ÷ 1.8 = 36.9°C

2007-08-03 16:41:57 · answer #8 · answered by Norrie 7 · 0 0

you can do your conversion here:

2007-08-03 12:41:11 · answer #9 · answered by gostob2 3 · 0 0

type "x celcius to f" in google

2007-08-03 13:55:52 · answer #10 · answered by RaiDen 2 · 0 1

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