Friends of mine had a child born with a heart problem, along with other things. The doctore told him they could do a few operations in order to get her healthy enough for a heart transplant in a year. Then after a year, they expected her life expectancy to be about 25 years - and those years would be filled with other operations, she wouldn't be able to be in sports, etc. The doctor told him he had to make a decision whether or not to even have the first operation.
It seems if he decides not to have the operation, he'll second guess himself for the rest of his life if he did the right thing. If he does have the operation, will the child grow up 'angry' he let her live - or would she be thankful for the short time she had here with all the complications. What would you do?
2007-08-02 12:28:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Here's another question: If, after saving those two people by killing another, would you then kill those two to save four other gravely ill people? Or then kill those four to save eight other gravely ill people? How about killing eight people to save sixteen others?
My answer is No Way. That sounds dangerously like Act Utilitarianism, and by murdering another person, you're killing your own moral integrity, therefore rendering your "good deed" worthless. It becomes just another murder, and not an act of "compassion."
And if the "gravely ill" people are encouraging you to save them in that manner, then I'm not so sure it's a bad thing that they won't be here much longer anyhow.
2007-08-02 19:34:14
answer #2
answered by Jackie B 2
In a realistic point of view of lack of information to go on. If one was in that situation they would not be in 'good ethics' to begin with, to be able to come to that choice. So realistically; Yes.
Ethically No, because there should have been a better way to deal with it than murdering another man. There are ways of being a hero without killing anyone or destroying anything. Take Ghandi for example.
::EDIT:: Ohh and if it was me? Yes I would.
2007-08-02 12:29:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
properly in the event that they're the two going to die and your in basic terms able to maintain one. then your maximum possibly going to 'sacrifice' the single to maintain the different. it somewhat is ethical finding on your reasoning. that's a terrible situation... possibly. yet nonetheless its unhappy. you are able to opt for to no longer have the surgical operation. permit the two stay a quick existence. yet is that ethical ? besides you place it... it somewhat is somewhat no longer. It' somewhat relies upon on very own opinion and circumstances. yet out of the two techniques i assume it would desire to be considered the "lesser of two evils"
2016-10-01 07:03:14
answer #4
answered by devoti 4
No way. If it was some sick dude and by killing him I would save two ill people that I love, then yes.
2007-08-02 12:45:32
answer #5
answered by Maus 7
No but i would kill my self to save to others
2007-08-02 17:33:11
answer #6
answered by MyGuardianAngelIsDevious 2
Id brutally kill all 3 of them and any other witnesses present just coz therez nothing good on tv...
2007-08-02 18:12:07
answer #7
answered by Spiderpig 3
No, I wouldn't. Taking an innocent human life is wrong, no matter what the reason is. You cannot do evil so that good may come of it.
2007-08-02 12:53:38
answer #8
answered by kcchaplain 4
No, I would never kill a person, that is GODs realm
2007-08-06 07:32:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No, I'm not there to play god, if they have to die, then so be it, I'll see them at the funeral with a dozen lilies or something.
2007-08-02 21:18:05
answer #10
answered by guesswh01116 2