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everyone makes fun of mine bc its really really big and its on my arm..does anyone know how to get rid of them or cover them up?

2007-08-02 04:27:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Makeup

its like right above my forearm so i'd have to wear longsleeves and i live in the south

2007-08-02 04:34:32 · update #1

6 answers

To get rid of them, you'd have to see a dermatologist, and the procedures they do hurt like heck and cost a fortune. (I know someone who did it.)

But I don't know why you'd want to do that. At least it's not a Port-Wine stain that covers your face. Those need surgery.

If you're REALLY desperate, I like this product called Dermablend. I used it when I had scars from a car accident. You can get it at Sephora or Ulta stores. It's a REALLY thick concealer - it's like putty, but good if you want it for a special occasion. It's too much of a hassle for every day.

2007-08-02 09:05:44 · answer #1 · answered by zippythejessi 7 · 1 0

Is it a hemangiona or a flat birthmark? A flat birthmark sometimes responds well to laser treatment. A hemangiona requires surgery. A special make up is available for birthmarks by prescription. It's best to consult a dermatologist for the best results.

2007-08-03 23:06:18 · answer #2 · answered by hello molly 3 · 0 0

u can try covering it up with a really good industrial strength concealer and then dusting it with face powder but that'll be quite a regime to follow. if you are that bummed about it i guess you can see a dermatologist for options of removal but then again u should not feel shame of your birthmark as it is sth that u are born uniquely with. As for those who make fun of u...give them the "bird" ok?

2007-08-02 11:39:20 · answer #3 · answered by jennyksr 3 · 0 0

You should embrace your birthmark, don't be ashamed of it! Don't care about what other people think about it! I have two huge birthmarks on my legs, I honestly don't think about it. It just makes me one-of-a-kind. Don't be ashamed of something that makes you a little different. ; )

2007-08-02 12:12:11 · answer #4 · answered by j3ssi312 2 · 0 0

why would you wnat to do that so what **** emm my friend had half of her face cover in her birth mark so your no that bad thats not bad at all i have a cirlice one on my boob

2007-08-02 11:31:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you could cover it up with clothes, but if you want it removed, go to the doctor's and get it lazered off. Simple. x

2007-08-02 11:30:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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