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I would have some respect for Michael Moore if he admitted his true goal is to undermine our current economy and values, to replace with a "warm & fuzzy" form of socialism.

Most liberals (the lemming variety who ping-pong from one emotional issue to the next) have no clue that the strategy to undermine our society- relentlessly attacking family, patriotism, faith and capitalism, is an orchestrated plan to convert the USA to socialism. If we became a 3rd world power in the process, libs would support it because they believe that's what we desrve. They can get even for slavery, the Indians, colonialism and the biggest sin- capitalism. Rosie, Fonda, Timothy Sarandon and Sheehan are just tools, doing the work of the socialist leaders.

If socialism is so great, why do these liberals have to trick people into getting on board?

2007-08-02 02:37:03 · 23 answers · asked by ? 7 in Politics & Government Politics

To the lib who sees value in Moore's propaganda- if he really cared about health care, he would have exposed the trial lawyers, the most significant atrocity harming health care, but he gives his fellow socialist partners a pass (no integrity, totally biased).

2007-08-02 02:46:53 · update #1

23 answers

A lib to tell the truth?....don't count on it.

The libs who are actively trying to bring socialism to the U.S. know that if they did anything close to this it would expose them and ruin their efforts. The typical and more common 'ping-pong' libs are just mind-numbed morons that are too stupid to understand what's really happening and are generally more concerned about light bulbs (or whatever other issue that they're told to be concerned about) than taking an honest look at who and what they're supporting.

2007-08-02 03:03:02 · answer #1 · answered by The Face 3 · 6 3

And what is really so un -American about sharing the means of production among those of varrying talents and abilites and according to need, more equally in this country? Human beings have basic needs and there is discrimination, and their are unequal opportunites for self development, and poverty destroys human souls, and we have already got to a point when workers have shared holder intrests in the companies they slave for ,so whats alittle more equity to you all? how many more work hours can the American family unit put in collectively in this crazy nuclear model we use before utter exhaustion burns up the little common sense we still display concerning issues of the day--- every one is so worried and obsessed about enemies every where--- even the pedifile on the corner. Instead of just putting our collective foot down to this isane life style we maintain and making time to talk tolerantly and peacfully with our neighbors and work togeth positively--- no instead its all rumors , innuendos, false perceptions and a general get out of dodge mentality if one is at all diverse and open about it. Also what ever happened to once you do your time you paid for your crime--- then we watch carefully protecting ourselves but with an open mind--- because we all have rights. By all means assimilate yourselves intyo ignorant extinction.

2007-08-02 06:18:09 · answer #2 · answered by Donna Le Oiseau de Feu 3 · 1 1

No reason, really. I wonder how many people who despite Moore's documentaries have actually seen one. "Bowling for Columbine," for example, was NOT a diatribe against private gun ownership--instead, the main point seems to have been that a society of fear leads to the misuse of guns, while a less paranoid society (as in Canada, which also has wide gun ownership) handles public gun ownership with less danger.

You do realize that no society can survive by being 100% anything, politically speaking--ESPECIALLY not a supposedly democratic society. Erik R mentioned the USSR, but that was *communist* rather than socialist, and tried to be 100% so, which is one of many reasons they failed. A healthy society, like the USA, allows alternate views and is flexible enough to consider answers like "30% socialism, 70% capitalism" or whatnot, instead of hiding behind extremes such as, thinking someone who suggests solutions with socialistic overtones immediately gives up all right to earn a profit for his work.

2007-08-02 02:59:28 · answer #3 · answered by Vaughn 6 · 2 6

no one is protesting "against capitalism". possibly you will desire to spend much less time on Yahoo solutions and extra time analyzing up on present day events. properly, except you have been attempting to place the common suitable wing twist on issues to slot your person concepts.

2016-10-01 06:12:03 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Without pointing out that even a socialist can be right about the sad situation in regards to our health care. Its important to realize that if capitalists wish to remain in power they can't ignore the working class. They tried it before and it just doesn't work, they are outnumbered. This is a case of capitalists forgetting than no one wants to be on bottom forever with no hope of rising. Hoarding wealth in respect to health care makes people envious, when Ashcroft gets his gallbladder out and stays for a week and Joe Sixpack gets his out and is out the next day, and he has insurance, hes going to get angry. Get enough angry Joe Sixpacks and he isn't going to care what label you stick on it, hes going to know it stinks. Capitalism isn't a sin...greed is.

Concern for the less fortunate isn't socialism, unless you want to say Jesus was a socialist, its just practical.
Why is it that when anyone makes money Cons want them to spend it all or be labeled a hypocrit, Libs have nothing against money, many of them are very well off, they just don't see a need to refuse health care to kids or the elderly, and they are willing to pay more out of their pockets for that in taxes and they can't understand the outright greed that makes some people rant about individual responsibility, when the individual involved is six months old. Or ninety, or in a coma.

2007-08-02 02:47:08 · answer #5 · answered by justa 7 · 5 5

You are talking about trading the health of 46 million people for the ideal of pure capitalism. You are saying that pure capitalism is far more important than 46 million people. The drug companies must make record profits every year and double charge the U.S. citizens in the interest of pure capitalism in your opinion. That's 46 MILLION human beings. 15% of our population. Let that sink in.

What, in your opinion, makes 1 injection worth $4,000? That is the cost of the injection after you have a stroke. Or one little pill worth $100. That's not healthcare, that's blackmail.

There is clearly something wrong with our system. Stop the greed. Maybe there are other ways to address it besides universal healthcare but to ignore this situation is criminal.

2007-08-02 03:06:49 · answer #6 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 2 6

Career-wise, Michael Moore is a fantastic representation of TRUE capitalism. He's just one - albeit the most visible - of many, many multi-millionaires who've used our capitalist society to make their fortunes. What's funny is that they cannot see, or simply choose not to see, the hypocrisy in their stance against capitalism and their desire for a socialist state.
Let's face it, Moore's worship of socialism is just one of his many hypocritical positions.

2007-08-02 02:53:18 · answer #7 · answered by Bumblebee711 5 · 8 3

Trust me, you do not want unregulated capitalism. Please read about what life was like for ordinary people like you in the last half of the 19th century. The whole reason the US has not had another Depression since 1929 is because of scientifically based regulation of the economy. Why throw all that away just to serve some nebulous concept of unregulated capitalism? You LIKE having your bank deposits insured, you LIKE knowing there will be social security and medicare around for you, you LIKE not having to breathe poisonous air, don't you? So you benefit from the economy being regulated. Its only a question of how much and in what areas to regulate it.

If you see "Sicko" you will see it is just as Michael Moore claims, it is NOT about people who do not have health insurance, but about those in America who do, and how their lives have been destroyed because the private insurance companies that insure them simply refuse to pay claims. And this inferior care actually costs more than good comprehensive care in "socialist" systems like Canada, France, England, and even Cuba. Trust me, ideology is not worth dying for. Its not even worth getting thrown out of your house and living in the streets as a homeless person for. THINK. And please, do study up on what life for people exactly like you was like in the 19th century, because that was the golden age of unregulated capitalism.

2007-08-02 02:56:58 · answer #8 · answered by jxt299 7 · 4 6

Hey, socialism isn't all that bad. We've had socialism here in the US and it works. Social Security is a socialist program run successfully for over 60 years, even with politicians syphoning billions away, it nevertheless works as intended. Fire departments, and police departments are socialist. Capitolism and socialism can and does coexist. The only "tricking" being done is by conservatives trying to spin the old tired "smaller government" rant, while receiving those same "socialist" benefits. Try government for the greater good for a change.

2007-08-02 02:51:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 8

Yes he is a socialist but he is laughing his a** off all the way to the bank as he is enjoying the money he is raking in from this capitalistic country.

2007-08-02 02:56:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

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