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i mean something that to smell and fall asleep (i don't mean weed and stuff), or drink (not magic tea)

2007-08-01 23:51:36 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Alternative Medicine

27 answers

Homeopathic Treatment for Sleeplessness / Insomnia, due to different reason and with different set of symptoms (No side effects or interaction with conventional drugs):-

Sleeplessness during menopausal stage Senecio Aur 30X, 4 hourly

Cannot sleep in the early hours of night; utterly wide awake, mind active; sleeplessness due to excitement Coffea Cruda 30X 6, hourly

Cannot sleep after 3 A.M.; sleeplessness due to mental strain or sedentary habits; sleep dreamy and restless Nux Vomica 30X, at bed times for 7 days

Due to fear or panic; insomnia after shock or fright; restlessness and tossing in bed Aconite Nap 30X 4 hourly

Due to tiredness; either physical or mental; bed feels too hard; must keep moving in search of soft portion for relief in bed Arnica Montana 30X or 200X, 1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

Sleeplessness after midnight from anxiety and restlessness; has to get up and walk Belladonna 30X, 4 hourly

Sleepy yet unable to sleep; child tosses, kicks clothes off, twitches; restless sleep with frightful dreams Arsenic Album 30X or 200X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Sleeplessness and restlessness; specially in first part of night; gets up and walks on the floor, as soon as the bed time comes patient is wide awake Chamomilla 30X or 200X, 4 hourly

Sleeplessness due to old grief; after dreams of thieves or robbers Natrum Mur 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Sleeplessness due to sudden shock; disappointment Ignatia 200X or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Feels sleepy but cannot sleep; clocks striking at a distance keep him awake; bed feels hot; moves about in vain to find a cool spot in bed Pulsatilla 30X or 200X, 4 hourly

Restlessness during early part of sleep; sound sleep when it is turns to rise; gets too hot in bed; throws off covers, gets chilly and puts them on again; puts arms above the head during sleep Opium 30X or 200X, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless you.

2007-08-02 02:57:06 · answer #1 · answered by Soul Doctor 7 · 2 1

There are lots of things that can help. If you have trouble with an overactive brain - can't stop thinking about something - you can try a white noise machine or get a clock radio that plays pleasant sounds or music.

Get a lotion or massage oil you really like the smell of and massage your feet until they relax. It can relax your whole body. Certain herbs like rosemary have a scent that is supposed to be good to put under your pillow and help you sleep well.

Some people find a glass of warm milk or herbal (non-caffeinated tea) helps. Also a warm relaxing bath (not shower).

Also, there are things you should avoid. Like stay off the chat rooms, computer and video games and computer at least an hour before bed. Try not to do physically active things for the last hour you are up.

If you are married, or have a regular partner, sex can help relax you. ( Sex isn't relaxing when its with a new or unfamiliar partner.)

Good luck and sweet dreams.

2007-08-02 00:14:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Celestial Seasonings makes a great herbal tea called (Sleepytime Extra w/Valerian, Chamomile Mint Flavor) all natural and really helps - I'm big on herbals, anything with Chamomile will work - read up on it. You can get this at your local supermarket.

You can also buy Valerian Root extract at any health food store, put a few drops in your tea or water to add an additional boost.

I know you said you do not want a pill, but they also have Melatonin capsules (maybe powder - I'm not sure) sold in most health food stores, it is all natural.

2007-08-02 02:56:40 · answer #3 · answered by Jeanine 2 · 0 0

Anything incorporating lavender (the herb, not the color), chamomile tea, warm milk, melatonin (a "pill" you can find in Natural Food Stores -- its a naturally occurring hormone), a warm shower or bath before bed (temperature change induces sleep), socks (warm feet make for a sleepy person), and of course (and I'm being totally serious, here), some form of sex. Another idea would to make a meal involving turkey -- especially the dark meat. Turkey has a naturally occurring hormone called "tryptophan" that helps to induce sleep. That's also why people konk out on the couch after Thanksgiving dinner. ;-)

2007-08-02 00:03:42 · answer #4 · answered by BeeWhereTheQyit1 2 · 0 0

I wrote this to another reader who asked a similar question. Read on...

Finding what the true root of your problem is is the most important first step.
*Do you drink alcohol, caffeine, black tea, green tea or the like before bed?

*Or even a few hours before bed?

*If you're female, are you approaching menopause? Hormone swings can cause things to go haywire, so keep a journal of your cycles and symptoms to review with your medical provider, hopefully an herbalist or homeopath.

*Do you work out too close to bedtime? Exercising in the morning or midday is ideal to give your body the chance to get off the natural endorphine high before nighty night.

*Are you a night shift employee or do you consistantly go to bed at say 10pm each night. Work hours can play havoc with your natural sleep patterns, so if at all possible change to a day shift if you think this may be the case.

*Using sleep aids for an extended period of time can cause an alterred natural sleep pattern, kind of like what happens when you use laxatives too much. Beware of this, and no, Ambien is not a safe drug to take. Studies have shown people to sleepwalk at alarming rates when taking this drug. To the point where they have woken up in their car on the freeway!

My husband is on call 24/7 working for the railroad and we know how hard of a life this is (night shift work). We also know it'll (sleep problems) get worse as he gets older, so we hope to retire 10 years early...
My mother has been a cardiac and intensive care night nurse for 38 years. She has taken Ambien but managed to wean herself off in time to not have any lasting effects from this dangerous drug.

Do your homework and keep searching.

*Tryptophan is a good alternative, either in supplement form or better yet have a turkey rollup with a glass of hot milk with pure vanilla and nutmeg an hour before bed.

*Unwind, don't let your mind race. Keep a pad of paper and a pen next to the bed to jot things down when you think of something that could keep you awake. The morning will bring you a clear well rested mind to deal with things.

* Sounds funny, but orgasm can be very relaxing afterwards.

*Try listening to your body. Don't fight it. If it says "It's 2 am. and I want to get up." Do it. Maybe you'll find after an hour or two you'll fall back alseep till 7 or so.

I hope I've helped a little, good luck to you and God bless!

2007-08-02 04:52:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Alcohol has a rebound effect, waking you up again. Worse, it messes with REM sleep and messes you up that way. I should know. Plus, what you drink, you have to give back in the middle of the night.

Chamomile tea does help, but again, it's liquid.

The thing that works for me is available in vitamin stores and online vitamin places like Puritan.com. It's Valerian, a natural substitute for Valium. Be forewarned, they stink. But they work. I take one during the day when my blood pressure is too high, and I take two for bedtime.

Supplement that by not eating or getting stimulated by TV, Internet, arguments or whatever an hour before sleep. Use that hour for wind-down time.

2007-08-02 00:09:08 · answer #6 · answered by Stormbringer 4 · 0 0

its not a good idea to mix and meds with alcohol! you should try other sleeping pills to see if they are better suited for you. this using drinking with your pills to help you sleep only makes you reliant on the drink and in the future you may find yourself addicted. i know too that your doctor is right about people with depression and anxiety disorders have a hard time falling to sleep. its best you get help to fix the disorder so that it will remedy the sleeping issues and you will be alot better off, plus drinking can be expensive as you probably already noticed and your money is better off treating yourself to a movie or something.

2016-05-20 23:39:13 · answer #7 · answered by arlette 3 · 0 0

I read somewhere Dr Vogels' (from health shops) Valerian Hops Complex drops is good for sleeping..

more important, avoid tea/coffee or caffeine before bed or even after 6 pm, cut out caffeine altogether(inc. chocolate or strong choclate), switch to decaf tea/coffee or herbal tea,

exercise,best in open air (sometimes when I can't sleep, I run around & do alot of physical exercise that I get so so tired I need to sleep), either going for a jog in the evening or skipping etc...

also drink alot of water, or as much as u can..

also yoga is good for relaxation,( I got a DVD from amazon) & do it everyday or as often as I can...it'll subtly help you relax more...

the best next thing is if someone can give you a massage etc..
I used to play with my ex's hair & he used to fall sleep really fast! ;)

otherwise you could just get one of those back scratchers, they're quite good to help one relax(sorry if it sounds weird)!

2007-08-02 06:07:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Chamomile tea is the best natural remedy to help you sleep. Lavender oil is also very relaxing - either put a few drops in a warm bath, or on your pillow. You can also buy wheat bags scented with lavender oil that you heat in the microwave. They are good to snuggle up to.

2007-08-01 23:56:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you spray a spritz of lavender onto your pillow that is an herb that tends to calm and relax the senses.

It also helps to de-clutter your mind before you're ready to fall asleep. Get off the computer and turn off your TV 30 minutes before going to bed. The light of the screen awakens and stimulates the brain. Try reading a book during that time (preferably a BORING one, haha, but it doesn't matter.)

Also, you can re-decorate your room in calming colors to relax you. (Try lavender purples and an off-white shades.)

2007-08-02 00:28:40 · answer #10 · answered by ♥ meme ♥ 6 · 0 0

Meditation followed by a cup of chamomille tea and pure essential lavendar oil either mixed with water and spritzed on your pillow or a little pure oil rubbed on your temples.

Kim at: http://www.peaceful-organic-planet.com

2007-08-02 06:18:15 · answer #11 · answered by kpaschke 4 · 1 0

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