It depends on the contacts.
I've used many brands of contacts. The ones that weren't made to sleep in didn't hurt while I was falling asleep but when I woke up they felt weird. It was irritating (and contacts like that irritate your eyes when you sleep in them) and when I tried to take them out they were like stuck. They came out, but it took more effort than when they were normal.
I've been using O2 Optix contacts for a couple years now. These supposedly help your eye receive more oxygen than normal contacts, and the lady at the optometrist said I can sleep in them 3 times at most (I'm guessing per pair, since you replace them every 2 weeks).
Well, I'm lazy so I sleep with them a lot, and take them out and let them soak overnight about every 3 days. They don't irritate my eyes at all, and come out just fine. I've had no problems with my eyes either.
I'm not saying you should do what I do, follow what the optometrist says, but if you're looking for contacts to sleep in sometimes, those are good.
2007-08-01 16:09:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you have the type you can sleep in then its fine but if not you should take them out, they need to be cleaned to prevent infections. They can be very uncomfortable and sticky once you wake up. I dont mean to scare you or anything but its been said that the contacts can get stuck in the back of you eye if you slept in them. I dont know if thats true or if its something people say to scare you but i know im not willing to find out. =)
2007-08-01 23:13:25
answer #2
answered by me 1
When you wake in the morning, your eyes will feel like you have a sticky piece of plastic in them. Good advice, don't sleep in them unless they are the Night and Day kind. If you leave them in too long, your eye will start to ache and throb, due to the lack of oxygen not being allowed through.
2007-08-01 23:08:38
answer #3
answered by naturalist 2
makes them really dry when you get up in the morning and sometimes they'll fall out while you're sleeping so it's really not a good idea to sleep in them.
they can also irritate your eyes a little bit and make them red, itchy, sometimes puffy.
its really no fun. your eyes need time to breathe :) but there are types of contacts that are made so you can sleep in the comfortably and so they don't irritate your eyes. ask your eye doctor.
2007-08-01 23:22:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You would get stye-like infections that could damage your eye forever.
Unless of course you have the 24hour contacts which allow you to wear them to bed.
Otherwise don't risk the chances.
Eyes are very precious and should be treated right.
But if you just take a few hour nap(no longer then 5 hours) then itll be fine.
2007-08-01 23:08:32
answer #5
answered by Jessica 5
Kind of, but they mainly are totally dry and sticky and you're like ahhh i slept in my contacts! You can usually tell right when you wake up, so don't sleep in them. I've done it a few times but totally on accident, so not cool.
2007-08-02 00:18:10
answer #6
answered by Michele 3
Dont sleep in them unless you have the kind that you can do that otherwise its really bad for your eyes trust me my aunt had to go to the emergency room because her eyes got swollen shut cuz she left them in for a week. You also have the risk of them rolling back in your eyes and that can be pretty bad too. Dont try it
2007-08-01 23:06:46
answer #7
answered by monkeyjunkylol 2
i have taken naps in them- the longest time i slept with them in was about 3 hours and they hurt. so anything longer than three hours hurts. when i did 10mins or like 2 hours it didnt really hurt. it was just hard to take them off, they kinda stuck on my eyes or they were out of place. i would suggest you just take them off.
2007-08-01 23:07:59
answer #8
answered by noname 4
it's not a good idea. even extended wear contacts can cause problems. Things like scratched cornea, dry eyes, infection, swelling, red eyes etc.
2007-08-01 23:10:29
answer #9
answered by randy 7
my sis siad that if u sleep in them they will go 2 the back of ur eye 7 u will never get them out!!
2007-08-01 23:11:51
answer #10
answered by Cheer_Gurl 1