Go to a lingerie shop or store with large bra section, and ask for help. You need a backless, strapless bra - they come with adhesive, and work well.
If you are a 'C' cup or bigger, tape is not enough!
DO NOT use DUCT TAPE! It will take your skin off!
2007-08-01 10:46:28
answer #1
answered by Nurse Susan 7
First off. How large is rather large ? I need to know this first. I may even need to see a pic in order to know just how big these girls are, then i may be able to give a better answer. You may need to get a different dress depending on the size of those girly milks. Are they firm or do they hang?
2007-08-01 18:07:04
answer #2
answered by frank o 1
I know a person that may want to help you. It sounds like a very big problem. It requires at least 1 other person to help you do this. 1 person will need to examine the situation for at least 15 or 20 minuites while he gets them into position and holds them up for you while you do the taping. It really is quite enjoyable.
2007-08-01 17:47:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
y dont u get 1 of those adhesive bra's it worked 4 my sis 4 her prom
2007-08-01 17:43:48
answer #4
answered by sK8TeR gUrL 1
Duct tape. I know, sounds nutty, but it works! Just make sure it's not visible in pictures or you'll be the next chain mail.
2007-08-01 17:39:50
answer #5
answered by Knee 6
umm you could go to target and get this bra thing that 2 peice and no back and they stick to your boobs and it's just like a bra.
2007-08-01 17:41:44
answer #6
answered by 2sweet 4
ha ha don't tape them down you will look hot if you don't if you do then that's up too you...lol i suggest you don't and if you do tape them armpit to armpit and go down from there well it depends on the dress
2007-08-01 17:41:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
lol thats why it's best to have small ones
2007-08-01 17:46:31
answer #8
answered by vkjbhdkhfdg 2