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Thats the truth and that is the reason for poverty. The only solution is sterilization.

2007-08-01 09:35:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

18 answers

Yeah true that, but nothin's gonna stop them from bangin', so it's gonna end up bein their problem anyway. I do hate it though, (I read someone else's answer say it), when the impoverished tribes in Africa keep goin at it like there's no tommorow, and it's kinda hard to help them all out. And I'm not a racist or anything, that's just sorta what I think

2007-08-01 10:02:04 · answer #1 · answered by James T 3 · 1 1

You noticed?
I've been calling in "F*cking yourself away from the table" for years! The unconscious continue to reproduce beyond their ability to support their own families. When there are resources for one kid to be well cared for, they keep banging away, dragging 4 or 5 kids into the world. When the ol' sex drive is fired up, that is all these people can think about.

This is particularly true when it is clear they don't have time to actually rear their children properly, don't discipline them, and probably will not be able to pay for any advanced education for them. This is just as true in "middle class" families as it is for the "poor".

I always thought that there needs to be a CAP on the number of children AFDC should support in each family, and encouragement of birth control AND encouragement of job training to get them off the dole. They need to have "the pill" and "plan B" and condoms in every candy dish down at the welfare offices.

2007-08-01 09:54:38 · answer #2 · answered by revsuzanne 7 · 1 1

If it's so important to you, why don't you pay for the poor's medical bills and prescriptions, not to mention driving them to their appointments if they don't have transportation and finding someone to care for their children while they are at the appointment? The things that are easily attainable for some people (insurance, money for copay/prescriptions, transportation, sitter for children if they can't be left alone in the waiting room, etc) are out of reach for the poor.

Don't be such a privileged ignoramus.

It is the current administration who denies care for countries that support abortion or other birth control methods.

If many governments don't even provide clean water for their citizens, what makes you think the poor can afford birth control?

Those who advocate mandatory birth control would squawk at the first time the government forces a medical procedure on YOU.

Nothing like blaming poverty on the poor, right? Because ALL their issues rise from the powerless, the vulnerable, and the ones with the least economic freedom. Riiiight.

2007-08-01 09:49:24 · answer #3 · answered by Buttercup 6 · 0 4

Well I wouldn't put myself through that much pain to try and convince anyone of anything. But yes, poorer people do tend to have more children. More children = more money. That is likely the kind of thinking that follows. Even so, there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone. Greed and unfair distribution also account for a good portion of the world's poverty.

2007-08-01 09:41:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think sometimes people who have a lot of children are poorer because they choose to stay home and raise a family, rather than the other way round. I find it much more fulfilling putting all my efforts into raising my family into responsible adults than i ever would earning lots of money. And when i have finished raising my brood, i want to foster less fortunate children. My husband does have his own business and we manage comfortably on what we get but i certainly don't think that wealth should be a decider in what size family you want. Not in a developed country anyway. Of course the rules are different in a third world country where their kids will starve to death.

2007-08-01 09:55:06 · answer #5 · answered by lilmissdisorganised 6 · 0 1

In some ways I agree with you yet sterilisation is birth control and if they don't agree with this then it's a matter keep taking the pills deary.
The reason for poverty is greed.

2007-08-01 23:54:55 · answer #6 · answered by jupiteress 7 · 0 0

My Gp says that if he had his way he would put a contraceptive implant into the arm of every 13 yr old girl in the country, if they refuse they don't get child benefit. Have to get it taken out by a gp 5 yrs later so can't "accidently" get pregnant. They can still get a guy to wear a condom to prevent sti's. I used to work for jobcentre plus and in answer to the question before I started rambling the answer is yes! They mostly do it because they get more money from the taxpayer, I have one child because it's all I can afford!

2007-08-01 09:46:12 · answer #7 · answered by hms638 3 · 3 1

Being a bad parent can lead to a lot more trouble than being a bad driver, but you have to pass a test to be able to drive.

Its not all about poverty, though.

2007-08-01 11:49:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You must apply and sign for the right to have children. A committee of elected parents will overlook your application and decide whether you are acceptable or not. Psychological evaluations will be required prior to application.

I'm not talking about poor people. ALL people.

2007-08-01 09:40:13 · answer #9 · answered by Sr Tamara Specialist 4 · 7 0

I totally agree, they moan they are poor and can't eat and then go and breed more kids , moan they can't afford to eat or look after a child , it dies so they make another and so it carries on.
The medical world offers so many solutions and they take up none of it.
Sterilisation / vasectomy is the only answer because in the case of aids at least it'd only be themselves they are killing

2007-08-01 09:44:18 · answer #10 · answered by loopyhoop 3 · 2 2

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