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it is been like it for while so i have completeley changed all fuel lines and filters and it is slill doing it. i think it is something to do with the new filter i have put on as i cant see air bubbles in the fuel line b4 the filter but i can see air in the line after the filter. but all connections are tight and i just cant see a possible way air can be getting in but it is somehow. any ideas

2007-08-01 08:32:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Boats & Boating

6 answers

Have you thought it may be the inlet manifold gasket.

2007-08-03 06:18:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Its possible that its sucking air at the filter. Depending on the type of filter it could be the base gasket, or if it has a center bolt the o-ring there could be bad. A good way to solve this if the easy ways don't work is to shut the fuel supply valve and pressurize the fuel lines looking for leaks.

2007-08-01 08:42:25 · answer #2 · answered by mark t 7 · 0 0

Put a remote tank on the filters look for air. Also did you replace the copper rings on the bleed screw & fuel lines

2007-08-01 15:06:48 · answer #3 · answered by 45 auto 7 · 0 0

Check the spill(return) line from the injector(s)-usually banjo connectors on injectors to the fuel filter (also banjo) Check the copper washers either side of the banjos as they work harden.

2007-08-02 10:43:00 · answer #4 · answered by mactheboat 6 · 0 1

Check the filter for a hairline crack in the casing. Plastic cases are prone to this problem.

2007-08-02 11:12:40 · answer #5 · answered by Do not trust low score answerers 7 · 0 1

if you have done all that it could only be the lift pump,probely needs new seals,all my engines are gravety fed by a header tank,but it would be a good test for you to try that way you would see any leeks.

2007-08-02 19:02:07 · answer #6 · answered by tugboat 4 · 0 0

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