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2007-08-01 08:26:36 · 2 answers · asked by nihamdeen 1 in Computers & Internet Security

2 answers

Spam is e-mail that is for advertising, bad advertising. And their products are legitimate. Like penis pills and v.v.

When you flag an e-mail, it's like placing it in elite status. You flag because maybe you want to read it later.

Go to your e-mail home page and click on help. There should be a tutorial.

2007-08-01 08:35:53 · answer #1 · answered by JaxJagsFan 7 · 0 0

Spam is junk mail. This is what I found on hidden text:
I think a flag is a programme that is marked as suspicious, but I'm not too sure of that. However, if you have a good antivirus and firewall package (too many to mention on the market) you will be relatively safe from these threats. A good one will also include a spyware scanner, but in case it doesn't try Spybot Search and Destroy, which is free. Be sure not to have 2 of the same kind of programmes (anti-spyware, for eg.) otherwise it will cause conflicts on your computer.

2007-08-01 08:40:16 · answer #2 · answered by CelesteMoone 5 · 0 0

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