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30 answers

Yeah, it's a load of crap and won't happen! How many times has it been said before?!

2007-08-01 00:46:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There's been speculation about whether this is the 'end of the world' or some other major event, like nuclear war. Nostradamus predicted the 'sun crashing down' (though I think the timing is off)...this could easily have been a powerful warhead that he could not explain with the lack of technology back then. There is also the Mayan calendar issue. That date is the last existing day on the Mayan calendar, which means that they either thought this was going to be the Last Day, or they decided they didn't need to go farther into the future.

The way I look at it, it doesn't matter. We don't have any control over when the world will end, so why bother worrying about it. When it happens, it happens. And it will be final, so what is there to prepare for other than the state of your soul, if you even believe in an afterlife?

2007-08-01 08:21:47 · answer #2 · answered by Wassime 3 · 0 0

Not the end of the world, so to speak, but the end of a cycle of time for the Maya...

Many things are predicted to happen. A few listed on many sites include: Polar shift, where north becomes south and vice versa, an 'age of enlightenment', where a peace will reign over the earth. Telepathy will open up within the human mind, and in more esoteric circles, the exoplanet Nibiru, also known as Planet X, is supposed to pass into Earth's orbit, as it did every 3000something years. A solar storm is supposed to mess with the electromagnetic field in 2011. Venus transits Earth in 2012, and the date the Mayan calendar ends that particular cycle is one day shy of my 30th birthday. Paranormalists like Ruth Montgomery foresaw (back in 1979) the earth's changes leading up to now and onto 2012. Funky weather, wars, catastrophies, Malthusian dilemma, etc, although she was a tad more eloquent on the subject.

2007-08-04 10:00:40 · answer #3 · answered by beztvarny 3 · 0 0

Most question asked these days is what will happen December 21, 2012

The Mayan civilization predicted that on December 21, 2012 something will happen to the world we know. Something will happen that will change civilization, value systems and the way we know human civilization forever.

What does that means?

What did the Mayan see through their spiritual wisdom?

According to scientists and technologists something strange is happening behind the scene. The terrestrial and solar polar reversal peaks are coming within three weeks of that day, December 21, 2012. Innumerable UFOs are scouting our skies regularly and increasing as we approach that day. The tectonic plate shifts, underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and Tsunamis are increasing at rates never seen before. The solar flares are increasing. The earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere are experiencing strange disturbances. The numbers of typhoons and cyclones have increased many folds. The number of floods and droughts has increased beyond imaginations in the last ten years.

Scientists who look beyond conventional science point out that that the Hyperspace that contain our Universe is also showing signs that something strange is happening in our universe. The multidimensional time research is showing that a parallel universe may be predicting strange effects.

According to some scientists it is possible that another Universe is slowly starting to claim a spatial dimension in our physical Universe. It is also possible that we will face major calamities because of the polar reversal in the Sun and in Earth. If that happens, it is possible that the hyperspace has to adjust the suction force known as gravity and Electromagnetic force fields to keep the earth and the solar system intact.

The biggest clue to what will happen comes from astrophysicists. There is a big possibility that the simultaneous polar reversal in earth and sun will throw the solar system out of whack. That will cause massive upheaval in the earth. At that point of time, the extraterrestrials will officially show up and put “cosmic seat belts” around us as they apply the superpower of the Hyperspace to bring the solar system back to what it is today.

According to think tanks, this has happened before. The extraterrestrials take care of the earth and the solar system whenever the solar system faces challenges like that.

Do a Google search and research it : )

Love & Blessings

2007-08-01 09:50:45 · answer #4 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

This information is greatly misunderstood by those who know little about it's true meaning. ..... It is true that the Mayan Calendar predicts a major shift at this time,.. but it is not referring to an ending of the world or planet. ..... It is referring to a shift in consciousness on a collective level.

Metaphysically speaking,... it is known that the world has for some time now been moving into a faster vibratory frequency, .. which is to say evolving towards the next level of consciousness. .... Perhaps you have noticed that time seems to be moving faster than it did 30 or 40 years ago. (If you are a fairly young person you may not be aware of this).

The science of Astrology has been announcing for some time about the fact that the planet is moving out of the age of "Pices" and into the age of "Aquarius". ................ Such an evolutionary shift in consciousness involves a "re-birthing" if you will of the consciousness of the planet and thus all life upon it. ... With most any re-birthing process,.. there is both an "ending" of an old way of being and the "beginning" of a new way of being. There is characteristically a period of upheaval and turmoil that accompanies such a major shift or re-birthing process. ... You can see much of this increasing upheaval occuring in the world today.

Modern day Christians speak of a coming "end of the world" or time of the "Second Coming of Christ",.. but they too are misunderstanding the meaning of this. They are correct however when they say that such a time is upon us now.

The year 2012 marks the advent of this new shift in consciousness on this planet,.. however it will take another 500 years (according to the science of astrology), to bring the new level of consciousness into full manifestation on the planet.

I can promise you this, ... without any doubt, there is a higher frequency of consciousness infusing into the planet and the human race at this time. It has been taking place for some years now. .... There are thousands of individuals on the planet at this time who are consciously aware of this divine Light that is flooding and merging with their body/minds (and thus the entire planet), and transforming their lives. .... It is this infusion of higher consciousness that is transforming the world.

There are many books available today which will inform you more on this subject.

2007-08-01 10:12:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The End of the World or the End of Times relates to Astrology. It's based on how the planets are alined at the winter soltice. The prophecies are based on what the planets represent to astrological charts on the 21st December 2012.

Pluto is the planet of radical transformation, death and rebirth.

Saturn is the planet of the earthly realm and of learning experiences, especially those of a more painful nature.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It is the focus of the yod, the planet which receives the strong energy of the other planets involved. It also expands the energy of the other planets involved (especially Saturn and Pluto).

This yod indicates transformational processes which can be painful for many.

Jupiter has a central place in this because it is the focal point of the energy. This indicates changes in our religious systems, beliefs, philosophical systems. These fall under Jupiter.

Jupiter makes a square (90 degree aspect) to Neptune.
Neptune makes a square to Venus.
Venus opposes Jupiter, this is the central opposition that activates the yod

Therefore Neptune, the planet of spirituality, ascension, confusion and floods is a crucial planet in this chart.

So as you can see they claim it's all doom and gloom for us.

IIt's something that has happened for thousands of years. It's called scare mongering and it will happening for a thousand more.

Don't listen to prophecies as they will come to nothing

2007-08-01 18:02:35 · answer #6 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 0 0

I just read an article about the end of the Mayan calender in 2012. The article basically says that the Mayans predicted a new beginning at that point not the end of the world because of a rare cosmic alignment and an earth "wobble". The world could end that year but I'm not going to worry about it. There are regular predictions about the end (Y2K) of the world but so far they've been wrong.

2007-08-01 08:32:00 · answer #7 · answered by Susan G 6 · 0 0

Congratulations for all of the great answers, a lot of people have put a lot of energy into this.
I'd give the prize to the member called Meatball7.
Well done sir, you pretty much nailed it.
As Yoda said in Star Wars a new hope "we are luminous beings, not this clumsy matter", how true.
As the film 'The Matrix' asks, with the ending of the first film; "WAKE UP!".

Some will cling to the past as their power is dissolved.
Their new world order (a pun on the founding of the nation by the people for the people), will become their pit that they will never ascend with their selfish ways.
While those with clean hands and who are pure in heart will know heaven on earth, with all the power and the glory forever.

Have a great day
Nigel : )

2007-08-03 20:21:06 · answer #8 · answered by Nigel 1 · 0 0

2012 Is in fact (scientifically Proven) the year that the planet Earth will cross the Galactic Equator, Anything more than that is speculation, The mayan did accurately predict this and did mark it as the end of a cycle

some believe that when we go to "the other side, the axis of earth will begin to shift (which it will) causing all kinds of bad stuff , others say that the shift will be slow enough that the earth will be able to adapt, the question is can we adapt with it,

or is the end of the world really the end of the human race???

2007-08-01 08:33:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Apparently it's the day before chrstmas day 2012... you might want to open your presents early just to be on the safe side.
This date is the exact date of the end of the final cycle of the myan calendar. The Myan calendar was a pretty marvelous thing. It came in, if I remember correctly, 4 or 5 eras. each era ended with a violent cataclysm that destroyed the ruling civilisation of teh world at that time. the calendar prophesised that this era will end on the above date in a hail of fire. The last era supposedly ended in water (Noah myth prevalent in many civilisations across the world).

A good, interesting book to read on this is 'Fingerprints of the Gods' by Graham Hancock.

2007-08-01 08:02:04 · answer #10 · answered by isildurs_babe 4 · 0 0

my dad keeps saying stuff about that. He read something i think is called the horizon project( net site).

Says something about a polar shift, when the pole move. Which is suspose to move the land not the water causing low land to become floaded under feet of water. If this happens alot of people will die. Where the saying a time for a new age will probably come in.

The last time this happened Atlantis sank(if u believe in it) and the story of Noah and the story " The Epic of Gelgemish(spelling)

2007-08-01 16:51:53 · answer #11 · answered by ScoobyLover 2 · 0 0

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