MATH MATH MATH all the way math has been my mortal enemy i hate it and it hates me
2007-07-31 23:56:29
answer #1
answered by ilovtheused 2
Worst - History and Science Best - Math
2016-05-19 22:16:42
answer #2
answered by indira 3
Best: Psychology related courses.
Worst: Math since the only class I ever failed was High School Math which was called "New Math" designed to introduced fundamentals of Algebra. I made up for it taking Basic Math-passing with an A. Jr. College Algebra I worked a split shift spending 2 hours daily in the free math lab with the tutors-passed with a C. Last University course: Financial Analysis for Management-passed with a B. The odd thing is that I do well with math application for transactions-working a cash register-estimating total prices-giving change, est. It is the application of formulas and abstract calculations that confuse me.
2007-08-01 00:12:07
answer #3
answered by PrivacyNowPlease! 7
English!!! I hate English with a passion. I have to write essay and crap. God. It's so complicated. Math and science all the way. Math is my strongest. I think I'm the one who have a highest grade in geometry right now. I was good in algebra as well but word problems are only my weakest in mathematics.
2014-11-24 06:12:33
answer #4
answered by Teresa 3
well, it started out with history (i did ancient history), but it ended up being english by the time i finished school. i did bad in ancient history because most people in my class knew their ancient history before taking the class. i chose to take ancient history because i thought it would be interesting, and i would learn from it. i struggled with my assessments, and as a result, in the first two semesters i was coming last in my class. however, the more i took note and actually learned something, the more i improved, and i went from being 24th to being 18th, which for someone like me, is a good thing. and because of that, english became my worst subject. maths i did pretty well in. it was my second best subject, behind religion. when you are being graded on two papers and on your assessments, and you're not a confident person when it comes to speeches or performances/presentations, it makes it hard to do well in. and as for science, it too was a subject i started out doing bad in but ended up doing good in. i just didnt like having to write up experiments and do certain projects at home.
2007-08-01 00:04:40
answer #5
answered by kristyb872001 6
2007-07-31 23:55:55
answer #6
answered by collynn 6
People say Mathematics is the Queen of Science.
I could not pass Mathematics at first time. As the result I had to lose my Medical seat Pathetically.
In vice verse my Son is granted a Scholarship study in Mathematics at Humboldt University where Albert Einstein taught.
2007-08-01 00:02:22
answer #7
answered by Konfuzius 3
Physics is by far my worst, but I like Chemistry & even Biology (except the Latin/classification stuff). I rarley had to study for most of my classes to maintain an A-B avg., but that was NOT true of science!
I think History is interesting, but I'm not great with dates. Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.
Math is one of my strong suits, until calculus, but I never had a good calculus teacher & it's not easy to pick-up on your own. ANYONE can learn math, even advanced math with desire & the right teacher!
English is another strong suit for me, especially grammar. Regrding literature, I like to read, but I don't like being told what to read or what it means when the author didn't define what something meant.
2007-08-01 04:02:47
answer #8
answered by SusanB 5
Math, by far! But I'm lucky enough to be married to a man who is a math whiz. We actually compliment each other. He hates spelling and the like, and I love it. So he handles the finances and helps the kids with their math homework, while I do all the word-related tasks and spell-check the kids homework. Works out great for us!
2007-08-01 00:06:03
answer #9
answered by N L 6
Math and history
2007-07-31 23:56:54
answer #10
answered by Joel 2
Math and Chemistry. I felt like the biggest idiot in the class. I did ok in Algebra, but Geometry and Trigonometry were the impossible dream for me! We won't even talk about my chemistry grades. I still haven't figured out what the hell a mole is yet.
2007-08-01 02:48:41
answer #11
answered by Starr 7