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Please be honest. How many of you Patriot fans became fans AFTER they started winning Superbowls? I've been a fan since the dreaded 2-12 seasons of the early 80's and it seemed like I was the only fan of the team around. Now, I see a ton of Patriots fans. If you're a bandwagoner, that's fine, but I'd like to know how many of you were sticking by the Patriots back in the dark times.

2007-07-31 10:18:18 · 13 answers · asked by Paul 3 in Sports Football (American)

Okay, so far interesting responses, but where are the Patriot Fans? Oh, I agree, I like the old logo better, but I like the blue and silver of today more than the red and white of the past.

2007-07-31 10:39:26 · update #1

13 answers

I've been a Patriot fan since the OLD "glory" days of Steve Grogan, Irving Fryar, Stanley Morgan, Craig James, etc...the late 70s, early 80s...I'm not a bandwagon fan...I'm a diehard fan...

2007-07-31 10:52:21 · answer #1 · answered by Terry C. 7 · 1 1

I'm fifteen and became a fan in 1999 when the pats went 8-8. I figured next year better times. No 5-11. Tom brady was drafted that year. I said they're my time no matter what. Next year 2001 they win the big one. I'm with the pats till I die. I was dissapointed last year with the 4th quarter interception. They will run out of fingers for them rings.

2007-07-31 10:28:25 · answer #2 · answered by rachetmaniac 3 · 0 0

im a true die hard cowboy fan but what i truly love is good football and a real team.when the patriots came out as one unit with no individual introductions prior to the super bowl in 2001 i was hooked on them as a fan.no selfish players, a great owner that doesnt meddle and a great coach..whats not to love?ive watched the pats since the grogan years and i agree with the other replier to bring back the old logo

2007-07-31 10:35:03 · answer #3 · answered by #1 NFL FAN 5 · 1 0

i was born in boston and still live there ive loved the pats since i was six and started watching football i used to love bledsoe but i like them when they were bad mediocre and now among the best in the nfl i will never stop liking them no matter how bad they get in the future to come (hopefully not for a while i think brady should win some more before he retires 5-7 years from now or however long he is in the game)

2007-07-31 12:48:00 · answer #4 · answered by dieseljoe39 2 · 1 0

I don't hate bandwagon fans necessarily.

take the Pittsburgh pirates for example...14 consecutive losing seasons...shouldn't the pirate fans at some point stop going to the games to get the owners to actually field a team that can compete at 500 baseball at least once a decade?

sure, the esotoeric nature of being a diehard is appealing to kindred spirits, but bandwagoners don't lessen my joy when my beloved teams win. should they?

2007-07-31 10:36:24 · answer #5 · answered by seannixon36 2 · 0 1

im not a bandwagoner, i despise the patriots, mainly because im a dolphins fan, but also because they're so dam good.. they're gonna win the next few superbowls, so everybody should just become a pats fan.. nobody is gonna be able to hang with that offense.. brady, maroney, moss, & stallworth.. thats freakin insane!!

2007-07-31 10:28:30 · answer #6 · answered by mclarenfreak1110 2 · 0 2

well I disliked the patriots in the 80's and then disliked them when they got Bledsoe.. and then disliked them after the super bowl wins.. and dislike them today.. so I'm consistent but I hope Brady has a good year.. he's on my fantasy team

2007-07-31 10:30:36 · answer #7 · answered by deacon_frost06 5 · 1 1

No one will answer honestly, everyone here hates banwagoners and ones who are are not going to admit it. Sorry.

2007-07-31 10:25:54 · answer #8 · answered by SUPADAVE25 3 · 1 0

New England iz okay and I am not a fan.

2007-07-31 10:41:09 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 2

Pats suck! I'm the opposite (49er fan, were good, got bad, are getting good again).

2007-07-31 10:23:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3