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He is gonna be homeless when he comes home. August 6th! I cant wait to see my baby boy! But since he is going to be homeless, I was gonna have him sneakin into my house and stuff... How should I go about keeping him hidden from my dad?

2007-07-30 18:06:11 · 21 answers · asked by sweeter.than.apple.pie 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

His mom died over a year ago and his dad just disappeared. Wont return his phone calls or anything. Moved outta there old house... =[ So I just want to hide him untill he gets a job!!

2007-07-30 18:13:50 · update #1

My dad just doesnt want people living w/ us! He wont even let my best friend move in because her sister just died and she got left a baby and she quit her job to take care of her neice and now she is homeless and the homless shelter has a 18 month waiting list!!! ='[ But ya.. He wont even let her stay for a couple nights!! >.<

2007-07-30 18:16:13 · update #2

Right now im broke though! I spent all my money on my neice.... >.<

2007-07-30 18:19:34 · update #3

im just gonna wake up befor my mom comes to wake me up in the morning and hide him under blankets and sturff... sneak him yummy foods and get him a job! =]

2007-07-30 18:36:39 · update #4

21 answers

Are both your parents at home ? Do they both work.? If only one works then it may be hard to keep him in the house with out someone seeing..

If only your dad is at home then it might be easier, since your dad will go off to work.

Which way does your bedroom window sit..? Front of the house? Back of the house..? Side of the house.? You have to take that into consideration if you have to sneek you BF in throught a window. Is your room on the second floor..?

Where is you bed room compared to your parents room.? Are you close to them in the house. On the same floor.. ?

Do you have your own bathroom.? This also needs to be considered in case he has to go if someone is home.

Do you have a big enough closet with a door incase your mom or dad needs to come into your room when he is there, or a bed he can climb under. Getting bed skirt will help..

A good idea would be to have your boyfriend get a job that are different hours then your dad. Your dad works during the day, have yoour BF work nights, Dad works nights, have your BF work days. So there is less chance of them being in the house at the same time... The week ends or days off will be harder to figure out...

You also might look into a different homeless shelter. Ones that do not have a wait list. Or public houseing. They have emergency houseing help for homeless people.

Maybe also him and his sister (or was it your sister) can work together and help each other to get a place together. Help her save on daycare with him watching the baby while she works.

2007-07-30 18:47:05 · answer #1 · answered by LadyCatherine 7 · 3 1

Ok, so hiding someone in your father's house is a very dangerous thing that could have some pretty bad repercussions. What if you two want to get married some day and your dad finds out about this whole scenario and ends up hating your boy friend for disrespecting his house like that? I mean, even though the rules may seem ridiculous, you should abide by them, it is your father's property and he has the right to "lay down the law" no matter how dumb it is. Instead I think that maybe you should find your bf someone else to stay with. The job thing is easy, he could flip burgers somewhere for a while just to supplement his income until finding something better, but I would suggest not having him sleep in the house! If there is really no where else for him to stay then tell him to pitch a tent in the back yard, hide under the hedges, whatever... You can still bring him food, blankets, he can use the facilities while your dad is gone. But seriously, you don't want to get caught sneaking him in!!!

2007-07-30 22:30:02 · answer #2 · answered by E. Nigma 3 · 0 1

I need clarification. When you talk about an ex are you saying exgf or exwife? That makes a big difference in the answer we give you. For clarity let's call your bf Jim. Jim has a child for which he needs to pay for (because he loves his child and his child is his own dna, but also because if he doesn't pay then he ends up in jail) and you are not a part of that child. Jim, to be able to have connection with that child must cow toe to the whims of his ex AND the court. Rather than lose his son for good he puts you second, which is only right. If on the other hand you are not as squeaky clean as the courts would desire then he could lose his son. But at this point he doesn't want to involve you because he and his son have enough problems on their plate. Even once he gets his visitation order he should not be taking you with him to visit his son. Your living with Jim is wrong. To make it right, AND to make it right for his son, then the two of you need to be married. If you are not married then you cannot expect this entire situation to go in the right direction. That's just the way it is. Again, you come second in this situation, his son comes first, and right now "and always" until the child is 18 he will always come under the thumb of his ex and the court. Sounds to me like you don't understand this, and are not willing to abide by it, and you want to be first and that won't happen. Since you're having doubts about marrying him, and you didn't even say he has asked you to marry him, and since you can't deal with an ex, I suggest for your own mental health that you break it off with him. You said you too have a child from a previous "relationship", didn't say from a previous marriage. So if these relationships were never marriages then you both are running down some curved road and not following the rules and you can't possibly expect good to come from this. You said "IF" we are planning on being a family "soon". Well it doesn't sound to me like it will be (or should be, in fact) any time soon, and it sure doesn't sound like a "family" to me. Plus you said "if" and now is not the time to discuss "if" since he has to get his own life straightened out first, and it appears that might be as long as 18 years. So I suggest if you "can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen". It sounds like your ego can't stand the heat.

2016-05-18 21:05:38 · answer #3 · answered by adrienne 3 · 0 0

To be honest you're going to have to tell your PARENTS about it because there is NO WAY to hide a boy in a house and your parents won't find out...if you lie will make things worse...
Give him some money so he can stay at a hotel for a while...
Good luck

2007-07-30 18:17:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Hiding people is a lot easier when they are invisible. Or when you're at the annual Hellen Keller Convention.

2007-07-30 23:01:36 · answer #5 · answered by SteamboatRunna 2 · 2 0

Since this house belongs to your dad and he pays for it, he has the right to say who can and cannot stay in it. You want to stay with him, go to the homeless shelter with him!

2007-07-30 18:35:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

theres no way you will be able to pull it off.. doesn't he have another relative he can stay with for a little while.. an aunt or uncle.. a cousin.. anything? if not see if your mom can reason with your dad or he can stay with a friend cant he?

2007-07-30 19:00:35 · answer #7 · answered by girly girl 2 · 0 1

You shouldn't. You'll just get caught and then be in big trouble. What has your bf done that will cause him to be homeless? Obviously something serious if your dad doesn't like him. Father knows best, btw.

2007-07-30 18:09:37 · answer #8 · answered by PK211 6 · 3 3

Under the bed.

2007-07-30 19:55:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i think the real question is...why the frick he is homeless to begin with....and get him to get a job... there is no way ur going to hide ur boyfriend in ur house without ur parents knowing...trust me...parents know more then u think they do.... so talk to them and tell them that hes going to get a job...and even pay "rent" ... get a room set up for him and be reasonable cuz there is no way that they are going to let him stey in ur room...lets get real...u'll be lucky if they even agree...just hope they do...u'll get in less trouble talking to them about it then sneaking him in...good luck

2007-07-30 18:11:16 · answer #10 · answered by hiphopanonyms 3 · 4 1