...go to the Creation Entertainment website; they list the scheduling for what is probably the biggest, and my personal favorite horror film convention in the world, the 'Fangoria Weekend of Horrors', which I NEVER fail to attend; I believe that they DO pop up somewhere in Arizona, from time to time.
Actually, the 'Fango Con' has gotten so damn big and dynamic, and there's so much to see and exerience, that even if you have to go out of your way to get there, it would definately be worth it (I've managed to attend just about every year since the mid-80's); I recently went to the 'FangoCon' three-day event in Burbank, CA, and it was soooo sold out and packed, they had to turn hundreds of people away; so much so, in fact, that they announced that next year, the convention is moving to a much larger facility in downtowen Los Angeles...and possibly extending the event, from three to four days (it's getting almost as big as the San Diego International Comic Con, which I also recently attended, just last week).
Trust me; as I said, if you have to go outside your state to attend the convention, you will experience a most outstanding celebration of the horror film...an experience, which you will find quite hard to forget, or to possibly compare anything else to.
Attached below is the webpage; I believe you can also sign onto a mailing list, as well...
If you are looking for something a bit closer to your neighborhood (and something I would definately go out of MY way to attend), there's the International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival, in Tempe, AZ; in fact, apparently there's one coming up in Tempe, on October 19th through 21st.
2007-07-31 02:26:20
answer #1
answered by Fright Film Fan 7