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I am looking for a GFI / rocker cover plate that snaps into position rather than being screwed on. Does anyone know where to get them?

2007-07-30 16:56:17 · 2 answers · asked by thelofings 3 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Thank you. No, they aren't stripped. We live in a manufactured home and are trying to fix it up. They are little squares that the plate snaps on to. I'm wondering if it would would be easier to replace the whole thing!

2007-07-31 06:38:28 · update #1

2 answers

Lutron makes cover plates that come in 2 pcs the top layer snaps in, like your describing......Wondering if you want it to snap in because the screw holes are stripped...You know you can retap them,,,6/32 is the thread

2007-07-30 18:02:50 · answer #1 · answered by Ed Q 1 · 0 0

Contact the manufactor of the house. They may have them or be able to tell you where they are available.

Good Luck.

2007-08-02 11:03:07 · answer #2 · answered by Comp-Elect 7 · 0 0

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