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I was circumcised at birth but i wish i wasnt. is there a way to get it back or is it gone forever?

2007-07-30 07:13:47 · 15 answers · asked by Joe J 1 in Health Men's Health

I was circumcised at birth but i wish i wasnt. is there a way to get it back or is it gone forever?
ive had a skin graft before and it put skin back on my leg where they took it off for surgery, so couldnt they just do that. i dont know?

2007-07-30 07:22:39 · update #1

15 answers

Once the foreskin's gone, there's no way to get the original foreskin back. Skin grafts are a possibility, but it's difficult for it to work and it's painful in a very sensitive part of your body.

The only thing that comes close to getting your foreskin back is something called "foreskin restoration." Basically, you stretch the remaining skin on your penis and over time, it'll grow to the point where it can cover the glans (penis head) and become a functional foreskin, if not a real one.

You should realize that foreskin restoration takes months to years to get significant results, so it would require a lot of patience, dedication, and time. I've never heard/read about anyone who has undergone foreskin restoration, hated it, and got re-circumcised, so it must be worth it to the people who try and succeed.

If you have the will, you can take a look at the links below for some ideas.

2007-07-30 10:58:22 · answer #1 · answered by trebla_5 6 · 1 1

Google foreskin restoration

Mind you I don't know why you would want to

I got circed as an adult & wish I had've been done years earlier like when I was born. A foreskin is way over rated.

I read yesterday of a study saying there is NO difference in sensitivity between an uncircumcized & circumcized penis - I think the study was done from/by Montreal University.

Gee i miss the smell & the smegma (I used to always wash underneath my penis sometime two or three times per day)

My head was always so sensitive to touch that I never enjoyed BJ.

Maybe the grass is greener - if you are reading this & cut or uncut just enjoy what you've got.

2007-07-30 23:57:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I would like if your question was clearly visible and forever on these pages so to prove as circumcision often isn't a welcome event!
I thank you for your sincerity though my answer is negative for you because circumcision is a destructive surgery with no possibility to have back the foreskin! Sorry!

2007-07-30 07:27:03 · answer #3 · answered by whole_feelings 7 · 1 1

Gone forever.

2007-07-30 07:18:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why would you want it back! You should thank your parents for being so thoughtful! I was circumcised at 18 and would never go back to being uncut! All the crap you read about extra feeling etc is all BS! Sex is 100% better when you are cut! Be happy! You also have less of a chance getting STD's and HIV! Women also like it better cut especially if you like BJ'S!

2007-07-30 08:52:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Im a girl, but Im pretty sure its gone forever. Why do you want it back so bad? Just be happy with what you got!

2007-07-30 07:17:02 · answer #6 · answered by sweetgirl 4 · 0 1

1 y the hell do u want it back!?! 2 no i think its gone for good, seeings how they cut it off

2007-07-30 07:17:37 · answer #7 · answered by xX13lackcatxXx 2 · 2 1

Joe there a site about restoring foreskin.

2007-07-30 08:39:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

its gone forever bro, but why in the hell would you want it back? It doesnt make your thing bigger if thats what you are thinking....

2007-07-30 07:17:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

you've lost it for good you could try and super glue some on if that would make you feel better lol

2007-07-30 07:18:54 · answer #10 · answered by Amy D 4 · 0 1

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