I'm perfectly happy with myself and all my faults, my beer belly, my graying hair, the lines on my face, hell I'm just pert near perfect! :)
2007-07-28 14:42:06
answer #1
answered by Army Retired Guy 5
If you haven't noticed everyone hates the way they look. For example. My friend is 15 and she weighs 94 pounds. I'm 15 too. I'm not that skinny. When I see her she's always like I'm so fat. I'm going on a diet. Another example. There's this other girl. She is really pretty. She looks in the mirror and calls herself an ugly whore. Why would you do that if your pretty? Your just hurting yourself even more. You should appriciate the way you look. You are beautiful in your own way. Even if people don't agree with you. Your making yourself feel better by saying positive things about yourself. I think I'm ugly but I hear from other people. Your so pretty. I love you dimples. You have a great smile. And people are always asking me if i've had braces before. When I tell them no, they look all surprised. I have "Perfect" teeth. Well that's what everyone says. I wish people could feel confident about themselves. If someone calls them ugly. Ignore them and just think of how you feel. You are an individual. Don't let people talk or think for you. Well this is kinda long. So I am done writing. I hope I stayed on topic. I tend to go and talk about something completely different. I would have started talking about my pet snake. But I didn't. Well thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day!
Lexii Out!!!
2007-07-29 10:32:07
answer #2
answered by Lexii. 3
Well, check it out. When you, as the question asker, walk around in your daily life, you probably can point out all the people that are better than you. If you're a scientist, there's always a smarter scientist than you are. If you're a jock, there's always someone stronger or faster than you are. If you are with a bunch of friends, there's probably someone hotter than you are, or funnier or [insert trait here]. We can identify those that are better than us because that's what we strive to be. We want push ourselves to get to our own ideal of perfection. That idea is pushed on us by society.
However, let's look at the converse. Is it right to mock people that aren't as smart as we are, or are not as hot as we are? That's not socially acceptable. We can't look at a retard and in full public view point them out as being lesser than us. Or, to point out that someone is dog ugly and not feel the least big guilty about it.
Essentially, we are trained to mimic the strong, and protect the weak. Everywhere you look, there's a new product out there so you can overcome your weaknesses. Weakness in yourself is an evil thing, of course. We have trained ourselves to be blind when looking for weaknesses in others...
So, we can't be happy with what we are because we can't mock the weak and underprivileged and are forced to strive for greatness. It's a total contradiction. The beauty industry has made a killing off of it!
2007-07-28 21:48:45
answer #3
answered by rattwagon 4
It is my experience and observation that people are afraid of being judged for who they are how they look or what people think of them in general. Many people judge by the physical appearance rather what the person really feels. For instance If a person is overweight 1st impression is she or he is fat and gross instead of saying to themselves I'll bet they are really nice or finding out what they like to do even something simple like what is their favorite color. I learned a long time ago and if there was anything I wish people would practice is Always treat people as if it is the last day U R ever going to see them. I've lost many in my lifetime but they knew I loved them.
2007-07-28 21:54:15
answer #4
answered by bob i 1
I think its pretty natual for people to be insecure about their appearance. There is a point though where they care too much, thats probably what your talking about. Somehow there is just so much pressure for people to "look good". Obviously some people are inaffected by pressure and arent perpetually insecure.
This could also have come from a bad experience with someone putting them down because their appearance.
2007-07-28 21:52:26
answer #5
answered by Tohdman 2
We live in a society that is know for basing things on looks. I can show you my pic and you might so wow, but when you see my whole body you might say your fat. People care too much about what other people think. If they focused more on the important things like what they liked and not what they look like there would be more people interacting with one another. I personally think I look fine and I don't care what others think about me. I am happy with who I am.
2007-07-28 21:43:44
answer #6
answered by uteva713 3
Yeah, it's definintely the media. No questions asked. People get brainwashed at a young age that looks are all that matter. It's sickening, right? People need to accept who they are and stop trying to be like everyone else. It's lack of individuality and self-respect.
2007-07-28 21:44:30
answer #7
answered by nckmcgwn 5
It is the media who convince us to make ourselves better or we wont be loved or have sex or be married or have children...
All those commercials on TV say we need to lose weight, fix our hair, darken our skin, smooth away the wrinkles, take Viagra for sex and all that does is convince us we need to do more and try more to be better people...
Imagine how much money is spent on all these items to improve our bodies...
The manufacturers marketplace is a gold mine...
2007-07-28 21:55:14
answer #8
answered by aspenkdp2003 7
It's like the constant pursuit of wanting what we can't have. I guess it's a deep-rooted desire. I mean, I don't believe in the whole Bible thing, but in the Bible, the whole Eve taking the apple and such? I think it's that sort of thing She wasn't allowed it, it was forbidden, so she wanted it even more.
We're taught early on in life that perfection is something that we're never going to find, be it in our lives or in ourselves. So we pursue it further, you know? Never happy. Well, that's my opinion on it anyway. Lol, =)
2007-07-28 21:51:46
answer #9
answered by Series of ?'s 1
I think it has a lot to do with the media...they are constanltly freaking out if so and so gained a little weight or blah blah blah. Its retarted, thats why i like Tyra Banks...she has the whole "so what" thing. Ppl have def become way to obssesive over their apperance.
2007-07-28 21:43:53
answer #10
answered by angie4154 2
I dont know!! But its getting annoying! People cant except themselves so they see what other people have and they want it. But the people they want it from wants other stuff too.
Many people cant even give themselves credit after they do something good. Or they cant trust themselves enough to know that the clothes they are wearing actually look good on them. So they "fish" for compliments.
Why cant people be happy and love each other. Everybody has something bad about them...
Well except chuch norris...but he doesnt count..
2007-07-28 21:45:26
answer #11
answered by sillysquirrel123 2