Didn't the Whig party start talking to snowmen right before they went extinct?
2007-07-27 00:08:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Congress has been useless for 6 years, what's news about low 14 percent approval? The Democrats tried to cut of the funds for Iraq and set a date. Bush and republicans blocked that effort. No one with even half a brain would blame Democrats for what the Republicans did. The only option for Democrats is impeachment of Bush and Cheney, that will improve job approval. Impeachment will start in Sept. of 2008 and the investigations will be greater then Nixon and Clinton added. The goal of democrats will be to have every American glued to the TV just before the Nov. 2008 elections. Now don't worry about the White House Pelosi is next in line. Hillary will follow her.
2007-07-27 07:17:40
answer #2
answered by jack09 2
There is a strong hatred for anything Republican out there; many would even vote for dung over them. Too bad all of the parties aren't being like Newt. Newt is offering up solutions to be discussed. He could care less who takes credit.
Time to stop the "AS WELL AS" refrain, the US has enough problems to work on. Here are a few to think about. The approaching collision of the energy crisis with the baby-boomer retirement bill. Both the rich & poor feeling entitled and complacent. The US as a whole has lost the drive to win on so many levels.
2007-07-27 07:35:56
answer #3
answered by viablerenewables 7
No, it is typical for people to talk about Congress with disdain, though certainly the polling numbers today are quite low, but, ask a person about his or her representatives, and high marks rulre the day. It demonstrates more generally the unhappy mood of the electorate towards the government because of the war and general stalemate occuring in DC.
2007-07-27 07:02:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Last time I looked both were about equal with Republicans in both of the houses. It is the Republicans who have been holding up everything!
I love it! The Dem's pass the bills, Bush vetoes them, the Republicans make sure they can't get 2/3 vote to over turn the Veto and you blame the Dem's!
You have some pretty strange logic, if that is what you call it!
And what are Bush's numbers?
2007-07-27 07:18:34
answer #5
answered by cantcu 7
Unfortunately, fully 1/3 of the US population will only vote for a candidate with a (d) behind there name, even if they've never heard of him/her! That's why the dems will never be finished.
2007-07-27 07:00:23
answer #6
answered by smartr-n-u 6
And the results so far ar ,,its a bust? just because Bush has the Vito pen always on.Dem,s will win next year....I personally think OK ,your right,ya,,but ,in the end the lesser of the two evils will win..both party's are corrupt.its unlikely that republicans will have anything in the white house next time around.looks like Bush is going to drag them all down with him as he still stomps the yard man...chow
2007-07-27 07:02:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Nope. Sorry. Keep your eye on Clinton and Obama. They have what it takes, and could handle the job just as well as Bush.
2007-07-27 07:21:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
At least we did not try to shred the Constitution, and mislead us into a disasterous war in Iraq. Forget the debates on Youtube. It was a media circus with out substance.
Friends don't let friends vote for Republicans.
2007-07-27 07:14:21
answer #9
answered by planksheer 7
I think that the more Hillary and Obama talk the more that they ensure that a Republican will win.
2007-07-27 07:00:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous