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ithink i can't bcoz i dont know even cycling. Is there any school for learning scooter school in delhi.
plz help

2007-07-26 19:38:25 · 10 answers · asked by savi 1 in Dining Out India Delhi and NCR

10 answers

I learned to ride a Scooty when I was in The IX th std. I knew cycling though. But you can learn to ride a Scooty as there is no real fear of falling as you can always put your feet down. The wheels are broader so you can balance better. Just be confident, learn in an open space and then move on to lanes and streets. Ask a relative or friend to help out.

2007-07-27 03:52:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, Delhi is a pretty big place (even though I've never been to Delhi or India for that matter), so they must advertise where to go for lessons either in the local newspaper or better yet, the internet.
I would first do a search online for any local businesses that offer this. If you still cannot find it online or in the paper, ask around, or as another person mentioned, practice with a friend.
It's not too difficult, and you should be able to learn fairly quickly.
Good luck.

2007-07-27 01:29:20 · answer #2 · answered by johnpnj 2 · 0 0

Without playing games, don’t be available 100% of the time or let your life be an open book. A man that comes on too strong or doesn’t have outside interests will scare a woman away just as much as it would if the circumstances were reversed. Read here https://tr.im/MoBrp

Women don’t want to feel as though they are completely responsible for your happiness and that is what it feels like when the other person has no outside interests. Men who are overeager or jump when the woman says jump are the ones who are more likely to end up in the friend zone. This doesn’t mean that you should play the game of not calling for a few days; it means that you should set healthy boundaries until you both naturally find a spot for the other in your lives.

2016-05-19 02:47:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

If you intend to be more desirable for a woman you need this book https://tr.im/1jpwv , The Tao of Badass which will “transform you” in to a guy who draws all the women.
The Tao of Badass is a famous step-by-step process for picking right up girls that is proven to work for anyone. Regardless of age, appears or how unskilled you're around women. The program teaches you how exactly to become ‘that man'who's needed by lots of women.
The Tao of Badass  it does allow you to ‘that guy'by arming you with the information of why you must be like ‘that guy'though providing you all the get abilities you will need to become ‘that guy'who women are attracted to.

2016-05-01 00:48:06 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Take help from a friend! it's not difficult at all! If you travel, and can take some time off during travels to some parts of the country where there are good friends, yes, you can take their help, too!

2007-07-26 21:53:18 · answer #5 · answered by swanjarvi 7 · 0 0

start with a bike and when you get the hang of it try to drive your scooter. dont waste your money on a school.

2007-07-26 19:47:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hope i was there i could teach you seating on the back seat, but i recommend you refer to the yellow pages or look in your neighbourhood for a young man who will oblige.

2007-07-26 19:48:36 · answer #7 · answered by akela hu main 1 · 0 0

Hey Gal, I gotta same problem.
I have finally decided to learn myself. Its not that scary.. trust me u goona enjoy.
Try it. we r not less than anyone :)

2007-07-28 11:59:54 · answer #8 · answered by DelGal 1 · 0 0

well ! u really have got a problammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................may be u need some spin doctor..............if nu dont find one getback to me

2007-07-30 00:30:12 · answer #9 · answered by ravs 1 · 0 0

go to driving school nearby............. Don't u know this also

2007-07-30 03:00:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0