2007-07-26 13:11:50
answer #1
answered by Pari M 2
Of course if a person works hard they would be able to accomplish anything. If someone just keep trying and stop giving up maybe something good will come. I'm sorry for those who can't accomplish anything because I'm pretty sure you guys only like what you are doing and can't handle it. But if you keep trying and start early maybe some things can be accomplish. ^__^
2007-07-26 13:30:21
answer #2
answered by Element 4
Having lived through three economic crashes I would not necessarily agree. To many people work to hard ,and lose sight of the real values in living, then ultimately lose all the wealth from no fault of their own.
Start early, work hard yes, but live simultaneously at the same time. We may be capable of the same things but life being a mind field to walk through, has different ideas. I would say work smart as a priority, and learn to avoid stepping on mines !
Capitalism is all about winners and losers. Without losers you can't have winners.
2007-07-26 13:29:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's a great way to look at things to get motivation, but it is completely dependent on the conditions of your existence.
Think about this: I wish to grow to be 9 foot tall. No matter how early I begin. This is a condition of my existence that I have no (or little) power to control. Or consider: I wish to be President of the United States at age 16 and I am not a native born American. While I can indeed work on this, I am depend on others to bring it to fruition--and I better start early because I would have a deadline of being 16 that, if I go over, I have failed.
Trying to achieve something is great, but it is important to take into consideration the conditions of one's existence.
2007-07-26 13:40:26
answer #4
answered by Think 5
Not necessarily. If a person fully and consciously identifies what it is he wants to accomplish (and this varies WIDELY from one individual to another), there is still the possibility of error - in one's premises, knowledge or judgment - or the circumstances outside his realm of choice which can affect his progress.
Working harder will get you there if you are headed in the right direction, but if not you will find yourself that much further off the path (momentum), requiring extra effort to get back on track. Once a person arrives at a decision to accomplish a thing, he still needs to discover the means to get there, and sometimes that's a road not yet traveled yet, leaving him open to a process of trial and error.
But whatever the possible pitfalls, you will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take!
2007-07-26 13:36:40
answer #5
answered by Julie 3
I'm sorry but I certainly don't believe that. There's a reason we aren't all doctors and lawyers...we are each only capable of so much. It feels nice to believe that "if I work my hardest who knows what I can accomplish!" But the truth is, for some people, working their hardest might make them the asst. manager at BK, while for someone else, they might become the president. I think for each of us our "maximum potential" is different, and whether or not we make enough of an effort will determine if we reach that.
2007-07-26 13:35:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think working hard is not enough to accomplish goals. One should also learn to work smart. If you start early but are doing the wrong things all the time it will not guarantee success. I personally feel that one should learn to work smart omstead of just being HARD working.
2007-07-26 13:19:12
answer #7
answered by CHLOE 2
I think you are correct in believing we are all potentially capable of achieving the same things, but the reality is we are all born (at random) into very different circumstances, and that is the factor that has by far the most influence on what becomes of us.
What if YOU had been born in a grass hut on a Polynesian island? Would you be posting this question?
2007-07-26 13:15:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Believing you can do anything is a great way to find out what you actually can do.
And it's a real tragedy to see someone fall short of their potential because of self doubt.
All men are NOT created equal.
If you are 4'6", playing in the NBA is not a realistic goal.
Dream big, but don't be stupid. It doesn't hurt to tailor your dreams to your natural talents. Don't become a mediocre basketball player if you can be a great engineer.
2007-07-26 13:54:47
answer #9
answered by Phoenix Quill 7
No. Working smarter not harder is the secret to getting things done. Witness the accomplishments outlined in Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
2007-07-26 13:23:05
answer #10
answered by Sophist 7
I know what Tiger Woods would say (Tiger Woods started playing golf about the same time he started to walk)
I know what Beethoven would say (Beethoven's talent was recognized at a very early age, by his 8th birthday he was studying the organ, violin and viola in addition to the piano)
opinions are like...a....... but history is well proof
2007-07-26 13:51:28
answer #11
answered by Michael B 4