Lets get real. All this god seeking, better get to church, read this scripture bullcrap, is way overated. There are some down to earth good people out there, that just live their lives and do what's right, that never go to church, and are considered honest hard workin folk. Does god have a problem with them that choose to live and make the most out of their lives without religion, the condemed souls? I'm sick of all the religion crap that is shoved down our throats, if any god is one who has a problem with that, than he is the problem.
15 answers
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Arts & Humanities
➔ Philosophy
I was raised as a christian, but as I grew older, I just fell away with most of the beliefs. It seems to me most of the followers of religion are scared people. Almost egotistical, wanting to have more than just life, but somting that will allow them to live forever in this enchanting dream world, get real,c'mon. When it's over it's over!
11:11:56 ·
update #1
There's alot of conflicts in the bible on this. But Jesus did say that if you simply followed the "golden rule" (Do unto others . . . ) that you'd get into heaven. He didn't add any other caveats to that statement. So if you believe Jesus, just be a moral person, and you're in.
2007-07-26 11:08:21
answer #1
answered by freebird 6
I think you have a very good point. We can easily get tired of 'religion' b/c of all the televangelists and corruption in the catholic church w/ the abuse, and etc.
but I think if you are genuine about seeking God, you do have to put in some effort on your part to get to know him as well. I don't mean you need to start w/ the bible.
a couple of good books to start off with is "letters from a skeptic" from Dr. Boyd. It's a compilation of letters from an aged father to his son who is a Christian.
Another good book is "Case for Christ," written by a non-Christian journalist seeking to find out if there was any truth to this whole God/Jesus thing.
I've read both, and found them fairly easy, digestable reading.
I understand your heart to just be good, but there is an assumption on your part that it's the only thing that God wants... perhaps it would be good to put in some time on trying to find out what God does really want and what he's like.
I hope that you will not give up on seeking God b/c of a sense of hopelessness or frustration.
best wishes.
2007-07-26 18:09:58
answer #2
answered by techtipper 2
Listen ... I'm not going to quote you a scripture or tell you that if you don't do this or that, your going here or there. But what i will tell you is that the decisions we make in life determine how we live, who we meet, and most of all who we are. if a good man believes that god is what makes him good then let him have that glory, for it is apart of the foundation upon which he stands. and if you take a piece away then the whole thing begains to crumble. everyone in this world has a choice to believe in or not to believe in what ever they choose. and if a person down or up chooses to look for a light at the end of a dark tunnel in this dark gray world, then let them. let them have that hope for a better tomorrow. And as for the people that say your going here or your going there for not doing this or that, tell them the words that i say and the things i do are what determines where i go. the choice is yours.
2007-07-26 19:45:46
answer #3
answered by smooth76 2
OK, here's the thing... Christians espouse the notion of a loving God. If that's true then why would he be messing with everyone's heads? A loving parent doesn't "test" their children..you teach them and lead by example. I could go on all day about it but if you want a real answer read :"Sense and Goodness without God: A Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism" by Richard Carrier
There is no heaven. Enjoy your time on Earth.
2007-07-26 18:07:40
answer #4
answered by Colm G 1
I don't think you have to be big on God to go to Heaven, I think, like you said, any honest, good, hardworking person should deserve a place in Heaven, no matter if they believe in God or not. I don't really believe in Heaven as such as the typical beliefe, that God runs it etc etc, I think Heaven when you die, it just your most favourite place on Earth, with everything you liked doing on Earth and with the people that were most important to you while you were alive. I think thats Heaven, not the pearly white gates in the clouds run by God.
2007-07-26 18:08:31
answer #5
answered by Emma17 2
Your opening up a can of worms. There are several beliefs. I've thought about this and observed hypocrites in church and wondered if I really wanted to go the same way they do. Or, take a chance a go with the every day hard working good people!!
2007-07-26 18:02:55
answer #6
answered by ndnquah 6
Some quick thoughts on the whole, heaven, God, Jesus, hypocrite, thing.
*The New Testament is about mostly "Post Grace" period of God's interactions with us here on earth.
*The Old Testament is the history of the Jewish people, and God's interactions with humanity in the "Pre Grace" period.
*The Golden Rule caveats the whole, "be good to everyone, no killing, and don't kick the dog" stuff with: Accept God as our one and only God, worship Him alone, etc.
*If you are a "nonbeliever", then you shouldn't sweat the whole: "Heaven/No Heaven" thing; true nonbelievers don't buy into a given Faith's version of "heaven" and its requirements to get in (remember the whole,"40 Virgins" in exchange for being a portable bomb? No thanks, I'll go to my side of Eternity, thanks all the same ...).
**There are LOTS of hypocrites all over the place, in every Faith, and sector of society.
**You don't have to have an Elvis hairdo, speak with a Southern accent, and thump on Bibles to be a Christian.
***Shop around for a church which fits YOUR needs, goals, etc.
***My (ex) wife is still a "Bible-thumping", "Yer goin' to Hail" type Christian (yeah, and SHE left the kids and me, too ...).
***Her "Christian" family washed their hands of her divorce action ("the Bible doesn't apply here ..."), and pretty much does everything one's stereotype of truly hypocritical, unfaithful Christians are notorious for.
***This has made my Faith in God all the stronger, and I feel truly blessed to have found a church where I can worship with cool, nonjudgmental people who are secure in their Faith with God.
Bottom line?
*If you truly are a nonbeliever, then don't sweat the "Heaven/No Heaven" issue, it really shouldn't exist for you in the Christian sense of the word.
*If you want to find a place to reconnect with your Faith, just remember that God never turns away from you, His hand is always there to guide us; all you gotta do is reach out.
Prayer, in the privacy of your home/thoughts is the best way to start.
Good luck, I hope this helps.
2007-07-26 20:41:43
answer #7
answered by chuck U 5
Well, John 17: says "This means everlasting their taking in knowledge of you, the only true god, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ" So it requires taking in CORRECT knowledge and exercising faith in Jesus and his father. Jesus said faith without works is dead. And this leads into a different question..."Do all good people go to heaven?" and " Does god accept all religions?" If you would like some scriptures about this, e-mail me! ;-) Because jesus talked about the very thing you are tired of!
2007-07-26 18:09:55
answer #8
answered by IslandOfApples 6
Where is heaven? Jesus didn't say that it was a place to go. He said that it is "at hand". Our hands are not in the clouds or the future. Heaven is within reach now. It is a state of mind. Those good people you speak of are currently in the state of heaven. Those god "fearing" or "people of fear" are currently in the kingdom of Hell.
2007-07-26 19:14:36
answer #9
answered by phil8656 7
It always best to take the higher road that you are capable of negotiating, but if you can not aspire to anything higher then you will find the answers you need and the right route through time both of your own that that of space.
2007-07-26 18:06:21
answer #10
answered by kickinupfunf 6