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Judging from many of the answers I read here on this forum, it's easy to see that many of the people participating here are cold and unfeeling. Am I right or wrong? Or is it just me? And before you answer, just take the time the time to read some of the responses to some of the questions on Answers!

2007-07-26 10:08:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

Hi Troy:
I have read some of your other questions and answers.
Many of the answers you receive are from either children
or thoughtless people. I think sometimes in their haste to get an answer out, they throw out the first thing that comes to mind.
It is particularly bad right now with school out...it has been a long summer and people are bored.
Please do not take it personally, they are many people willing to read your questions and try to give you a civil and useful answer....good luck to you.....and thank you for asking my opinion.

2007-07-31 07:36:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is an old saying "The more I get to know people, the better I like my dog."

Yes, people tend to be cold and unfeeling when it comes to dealing with groups or psychological hypochondria. But they tend to go all mushy for specific cases of serious need.

2007-07-26 17:15:54 · answer #2 · answered by Gaspode 7 · 2 2

It's the opposite. They "front" like they are hardcore, but inside they are scared, sensitive and emotional.
I find even offline a person who is agressive and "uncaring" generally has a flip side that is equally or more caring and loving. It all stems from passion.
Have a great day:)

2007-07-26 17:14:01 · answer #3 · answered by ™Tootsie 5 · 2 4

I agree with you, sir. A Q&A forum such as this can bring out the hidden nature of humanity. If they were using their real names, addresses, phone numbers etc., I am sure YA would be much different.

And the worst offenders usually have their Q&A marked private. Are they ashamed of what they say? Embarrassed by their language?

2007-07-26 17:35:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

no; impassioned answers come from feeling.

maybe there's some negative feelings here, but any political or religious debates tend to bring out the worst in people.

2007-07-26 17:11:12 · answer #5 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 2 4

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