Hi i emmans....... just wanted to say ,,,, that a man will like a woman any size . If he had not seen one for about three months or around a woman .. and not only that he learns to appreciate and give her a loving of her life .. and let me say its not just pretty women , ugly at that ... so keep that under you chin lol , lol when you find yourself all a lone for a few month with the taught of not even a chance to see a GOD'S gift to men [ woman] LOVE YOU IN JESUS NAME GOD BLESS YOU yoli
2007-07-26 12:34:17
answer #1
answered by yoli b 2
Of course the majority do - especially with big tops!
They like something to get hold of - they don't want to put their arm around someone and feel a bone digging into them!
If you are big yourself and looking for a date there is a site called 'Plump Partners' for bigger people!
I know a woman who was about a size 20 and she was diagnosed with cancer after she had lost a lot of weight - if she hadn't been big she would not be alive now!
Big can be beautiful - you can still look good and dress well and keep yourself toned up by exercising and let your personality shine through!
2007-07-26 10:01:57
answer #2
answered by Lady Faversham 3
In the past only the rich were fat as only the rich could afford to eat to excess. In victorian britain and before being fat was a sign of affluence
2007-07-26 09:59:01
answer #3
answered by theunknownstuntman 4
You needed bigger women back then to keep you warm during the long, cold winter days.
2007-07-26 09:57:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Men tend to like women who just have a natural shape. It's enthusiasm that really matters.
2007-07-26 10:04:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
personally it depends on the woman. i lead a very active life style and would like a lady that can join me. that being said intamacy (euphamism) with a very thin woman is pain ful and generally unsatisfying in versly with a very large woman it is tireing and general un appealing. moderation in all things i guess. i preffer a bit thick but active and strong.
2007-07-26 10:11:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Do you mean all in wrestler types who are 6ft 7 with hands the size of plates? Only that would be great if my shape was to come back into Vogue.
2007-07-26 10:41:44
answer #7
answered by : 6
In south sea islands men like women that are very fat, it is a sign of wealth.
2007-07-26 09:58:14
answer #8
answered by Steve C 7
Observe the Italian paintings.
2007-07-26 09:58:29
answer #9
answered by ed 7
Real men do, and surfer dudes too - slap the belly and ride in on the waves - lovely.
2007-07-26 09:57:09
answer #10
answered by fat tart 3