We'll see next Presidential election when the democrats take over and we're still in Iraq. We'll see what the republicans say when they are no longer in the white house and have lost more seats in congress for their support of the Iraq conflict. Let's see what they say when seventy percent of America says, we have had enough it's time for a change. We would never had invaded Iraq if a democrat was in office but to answer your question, they would be screaming bloody murder.
2007-07-26 08:17:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People will criticize any president involved in an unpopular war and the party that is out of power will root them on.
During the 20th century, Democrats got us into every major war (and Republicans, every major depression).
Remember Truman and Johnson? Most of you are probably too young, but they took FAR more flack than Bush ever has. How about Nixon, who ran on his promise to end the war in Vietnam, and actually did it.
2007-07-26 08:32:54
answer #2
answered by BruceN 7
This is not the partisan issue so many have turned it in to.
The party of the president makes no difference in this situation other than, we finally got one who has balls enough to move on a situation that was long overdue.
2007-07-26 08:24:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Remeber the Balkan conflict during Clinton's reign? Conservative Republicans took the isolationist approach and demanded Clinton stay out of foreign countries internal affairs. You should realize that it's not conservatively-correct to point out their hypocrisy and that we should do as they say, not as they do.
2007-07-26 08:14:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
They would try to impeach him because they found out he used hacks when he was playing an online video game.
2007-07-26 08:10:44
answer #5
answered by Mr. Martini 3
They would call for his impeachment, because of some affair he had twenty seven million years ago.
2007-07-26 08:10:06
answer #6
answered by Rocco R 4
Of course they would
They'd be calling for impeachment and saying that the deaths of these brave soldiers is in VAIN!!!
2007-07-26 08:11:18
answer #7
answered by Deidre K 3
they would be pissed as the know the iraq war is a joke but since their sheepherder is steadfast, they will blindly follow.
2007-07-26 08:11:36
answer #8
answered by bbbbriggs04 3
I think they would be more supportive. I am sure they would fund the troops, and I don't think they would state publicly that we have lost the war.
2007-07-26 08:12:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. Isn't that ironic? True, but ironic. That's politics!
2007-07-26 08:11:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous