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I am going to Bangalore and I love seafood. Where can I go to enjoy a good dinner.

2007-07-26 07:58:34 · 3 answers · asked by Prabhu 2 in Dining Out India Bangalore

3 answers

Try Harbour Market - If you are a Bangalore and loves food, esp sea food...ensure that you go to this restaurant. the food is extremely yummy...the mix of spice and salt and juice is just amazing..the prawns and lobsters were so yummy that i went 3 times in a row :) the cost is worth for the quality of the food. the ambiance is great and you can enjoy your time there esp. on a sunny day afternoon. the staff were good and the food had a tinge of Malayali taste as well. but i am sure, for all sea food lovers, this is the best restaurant in Bangalore. you must not go to this restaurant in a hurry. you must take ur time and enjoy ur food which would give you perfect satisfaction.

2007-07-27 03:57:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can find out amazing places to eat, enjoy yourself and get discounts too. Check out Urbanrestro.com and feel the difference. It’s the best site to avail discounts at famous restaurants and lounges, get your reservations done soon!

2014-05-07 21:50:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try 'TGIF": they have sea food, among other variety!

2007-07-26 21:59:28 · answer #3 · answered by swanjarvi 7 · 0 0