Who cares about horoscopes?
You make your own luck and choices in life. Horoscopes only affect you if you want or let them.
2007-07-26 06:09:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
True love lives for ever
then who cares that its a manglik, or any other person
just try and let horoscope not mend in between true love.
And if not a case with love, any couple can get divorced.
so i think that you must think more practically than horoscopically with all due respect to the science
2007-07-26 12:00:52
answer #2
answered by Kalpak I 2
I am not a hindu. We don't even marry with matching Horescopes, still have happy merriags. They won't affect you in anyway. well, I don't know what is manglik, but Let me tell you no one can predict death-who ever says this is lying. Believe in God not in tantriks! They ususlly fool around. If they know all about future then why don't they shape their first. If you both like each other then there's nothing wrong don't worry. Horrescopes don't affect in life atleast not in mine the the people I have come across. Something happens only when you believe in it.
2007-07-28 14:32:40
answer #3
answered by Crown 3
Ever heard about such things happening in the European and the West world. People there marry because they Love someone. And thats all that matters. If you are in love with this person, you should marry him and live the life of your choice. Stop getting supertious and spoil your life. Get married and enjoy your life on a positive note, even if you have to live a short life. Have a quality life rather than a quantity one. God Bless You.
2016-03-15 23:52:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
my mom is manglik and my dad is non-manglik...and they recently celebrated 25 yrs of happy marriage....
to live a happy life, love is enough....
2007-07-26 06:15:00
answer #5
answered by *Hope* 3
Could you tell me what a manglik is?
2007-07-26 06:15:21
answer #6
answered by inferno0424 2
Astrology is horsesh*t.The other thing that pisses me off about horoscopes is that some people make decisions based off them. Re-read that sentence a few times until the implications set in. Yes, there are mouth-breathers out there who literally believe clumps of rocks and dirt floating around pockets of gas have anything to do with their lives. Astrological signs are based off arbitrary Zodiac symbols drawn by people who also believed that light from stars came from vents on burning chariot wheels. Their clientele comprised of middle-class 16 year old girls and bored house wives trudging aimlessly from one rebellious new-age religion to the next would have to find a new hobby. Who knows? They might even get jobs.
2007-07-26 06:17:51
answer #7
answered by MY truth will set you free... 3
Please don't put too much faith in these things. Believe in yourself and do good to others. I have known plenty of cases where the future prophesies based on stars have gone wrong.Never forget nothing in our life is our own making from birth to death. Be cheerful in the present, and thank that great Power that brought you into this world for all that you enjoy. Life is a chain of experiences.
2007-07-28 03:22:28
answer #8
answered by Brahmanyan 5
sir i mreally want to know that i am manglik or not
2014-03-27 18:15:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
life is not livied on astrology, i am also practicing astrology but belive in your self most of time your mind & prayer rule over astro
2007-07-26 07:02:53
answer #10
answered by JIT BELIVE IN MYSELF 2