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I just moved in to a new place and the water coming out of the shower head is ridiculously slow. It even fluctuates in temperature. But I'm willing to live with fluctuating temperatures. I need to fix the exertion of water though. Its way too weak!

Any ideas? Thanks!

2007-07-26 05:15:37 · 4 answers · asked by SamYY 2 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

4 answers

To answer your question directly: yes; there is a nozzle you can buy that will increase the pressure of the water coming out of the head. It is a small, silver head; not much to look at but it works.

The actual problem sounds like the pressure coming into your house/apt, but this is an easy fix for your shower.

Be sure to use thread tape on the shower neck threads when you install the new head, or it may leak a bit.

2007-07-26 07:56:50 · answer #1 · answered by Dirt 2 · 0 0

You can try different shower heads but the problem is probably one of two things, or both.

First, the water pressure IS probably set low. You could ask your landlord or a plumber to check the water pressure. He can adjust it to a higher pressure. If it's an apartment complex you're probably out of luck because they intentionally leave it low for water conservation purposes.

Secondly, your current shower head probably has a pressure restrictor in the head. Unscrew the head from the pipe coming out of the wall and look inside. There may be a round plastic disk visible inside. Remove it, install the head and turn it on.

2007-07-26 05:30:38 · answer #2 · answered by whiner_cooler 4 · 0 0

Remove the showerhead and turn on the water. The problem may be with deposits built up in the head. If so, you can either soak the head in vinegar for a few hours or buy a new one. The new heads are regulated at 2-1/2 gallons per minute. Sometimes, removing the plastic disc can decrease pressure. I have a Waterpic head and it works great.

2007-07-26 06:40:05 · answer #3 · answered by sensible_man 7 · 0 0

Most newer shower heads have a water saver device installed in them. I'd first try taking the shower head off and look and see if there is a plastic reducer thingy inside of the pipe. Could be on either the shower head or pipe side.

Take it out and see if your experience improves.

2007-07-26 05:24:24 · answer #4 · answered by Fester Frump 7 · 0 0

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