simply because all the territories which came under the rule of communism went under the rule of the secret police. all political opposition was arrested and in many cases executed or deported to concentration camps in Siberia (Goulags). This is not "intelectual persecution" as described in McCarthy era US, but the murder of milions of people. In East Europe some 20 milion people died in this process. In China well over 70 milion- and still counting...
Australia responded by helping stop the communist conquest of East Asia- in Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. IMO they did more than others, and thank God they did.
2007-07-24 21:57:15
answer #1
answered by cp_scipiom 7
Because East European countries became Communist, China became communist, after a civil war in which the communists gathered the upper hand, and there was a lot of Communist influence in other countries. I don't know how the Australian Government responded to that. But the thing is that that was the situation then, and that was the cause of the Cold War then. But I fail to understand, how and why today Communism (or anything labeled as "Communism") and Russia (which is not Communist today) are still viewed as a "threat" by some in the West (and in Israel, of course...)?
2007-07-24 21:01:35
answer #2
answered by Avner Eliyahu R 6
It was more of a handy excuse for rounding up dissedents and keeping the yo-yo s in line much as in America. The Communist Menace was the 'n - - - - in the woodpile' to use the colorful words of Richard M Nixon an 'ardent' anti communist, who cheerfully admitted to using the threat to prod the masses into o-k 'sensible' legislation.
The situation in Australia was volatile at the end of World War Two. The umbilical cord with Great Britain was stretched to the breaking point and even though many in Australia had been agitating to break those cords, when the relaity was staring them in the face, they backed off.
In an odd way the Threat of Communism kept Australia from pursuing an isolationist course. Becaue Communism was a Global Threat - - - after all there were millions of Communist Russians who had just kicked the k r a p out of Hitler and were squatting on Eastern Europe. And then China 'went Communist.'
That is what truly scared Australia. The threat of Invason by Asiastic Hordes. When Malayasia and Inbdonesia agitated for Independence and Asians tried to take refuge in Australia, the Aussie Goverment reacted with 'concentralion camps,' and did their best to steer refugees back to their proper place which was any place but Australia. Naturally anyone jeopardizing the security of 'white' Australia was a Communist.
Other reactions; arrests, the busting up of trade unions, often charges could be found to justify any action, in Australia as in America, there were 'Red Lists,' names of people to be denide employment, forced from their jobs, their careers curtailed or killed, jailed for charges any charges were worthy of a banner headline if one were called 'Communist.'
Enough you get the gist there are several books I recomend starting with Robert Hughes...
2007-07-24 21:08:12
answer #3
answered by JVHawai'i 7
One of the reason why communism is strong in developing countries, because majority of the population is from the working class (Proletarians). And usually as in any other countries, the vast majority which is the working class is always the under privileged/the bottom of the food chain. This was evident after World War 2 were many great cities were destroyed and majority of people were displaced without their basic rights (food, shelter, clothing). The inequality was really noticeable or highlighted after the WWII. The concept of communism is putting all forms of property in the public's hands, and the privilege and rights be equally distributed to the population regardless of social status. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs, was what Marx said; and this appealed greatly to the suffering masses. Imagine existing in an equal world,, no rich or poor. Communism was and still being suppressed, because obviously it will affect the status/wealth of the Bourgeoisie society, who owns factories,acres of lands. And most politicians at that time belonged to the rich well to do family, so they have to use the govt. to protect their investments.
2007-07-24 21:09:40
answer #4
answered by Adi 2
It was considered a threat before the war ended, but as the war was ending, it came to a choice of how to divide the spoils, and who would live under what flag. A lot of undercover work revealed the real intentions, and human rights denied by the communists leaders, as well as their open agression in that regard. Pacts, and treaties were of little trust. Stalin and Hitler were once bound in agreement.
2007-07-24 21:15:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
communisim is just a term for a style of goverment the actually reason for quantifying communism as a threat was for properganda reasons, we know about the cold war (similarly today islam, muslims properganda), the cold war was an information war between governments who shared similar ideals or styles of government, information on how to get to space, weapons and general advanced science, spies often had to penetrate "enemy" countries to gain knowledge and to keep the public on a vigilannt state the properganda machines would print anti/pro communist slogang (depending on which country u was in!) similar to the "terrorist threat alerts" we recieve today, to the western countries who nearly lost the space race (some alledge that the moon landing was in fact staged which has no proof!) they gained the status of world leaders in the fields of science, information and technology therefore leading to the current position of the USA and western Europe today, with the communist feeling the financial effects of not reaping the rewards for breaking scientific boundries. in general terms, communist societies were on the brink of been the worlds super power but owing to great spies (better then the KGB) Western society won the "war where no shots were fired", an information war with properganda portraying the communist as evil !!! australia's role in this information war...... im unsure of lol !! google it ! lol
2007-07-24 22:38:45
answer #6
answered by natty b 1
Technically, I would say we really just hated Russia, and if it mean their system we could complain about, then so be it...
2007-07-25 06:15:45
answer #7
answered by Patrick H 2