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2007-07-24 14:45:52 · 8 answers · asked by holla 2 in Sports Hockey

8 answers

Human beings blow sunshine up your as-s and they all have hidden agendas.

"Unless you are certain that they love you like a brother, it's best to keep it all inside." Robert Zimmerman (Bob Dylan)

"They mean no harm. - We have survived as animals this long, not because we have the sharpest claws and are the strongest, but because we are the most selfish, the most-clever and the most misleading...." John Disque.

Whether or not your mother, father, brother and sister have done you harm, in the end you have to live with yourself and your own mistakes and accomplishments.

Dig deep (extremely deep) and, if your decision brings you, and someone that you love, (whether you know them or not) glory, pride and success..... then you will know your answer and you will succeed.

Some are meant to lead - to help our species to evolve and survive... and whether you know it or not....

.....this is you...

Be honest with YOURSELF...and (no-matter how painful "the glory outwesight the pain in the end") dig deeper.

2007-07-24 15:28:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Of course you make your own decesions. It's good to listen to other people and hear out their advice and ideas with an open mind but ultimatley you make the deccesion... and have the power to do what you want.

2007-07-24 22:02:05 · answer #2 · answered by Jrotica 2 · 0 0

With many situations it may seem easier to get help from others, but in the end you should decide things for your self. Getting advice and opinions from others will never hurt, (as you have done here) but like i stated before the final decision should be one you have made.

2007-07-24 23:58:18 · answer #3 · answered by Wings Fan! 6 · 1 0

Advice is always good but in the end you have to decide for yourself. Letting others decide for you means you are giving away control of your life. That ain't cool.

2007-07-24 22:11:06 · answer #4 · answered by PuckDat 7 · 1 0

if asking others is the way to get the facts to make your decision then by all means do so

2007-07-24 21:51:30 · answer #5 · answered by sshueman 5 · 2 0

Both. Get everyone's point of view so YOU can make your own, knowledgeable decision.

2007-07-25 08:20:26 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 0 0

You can listen to others for a variety of perspectives, but the final decision has to be yours.

2007-07-24 21:51:53 · answer #7 · answered by zapcity29 7 · 4 0

ultimately, you are responsible for your decision, no matter who gives advice.

2007-07-24 21:49:29 · answer #8 · answered by Zombie Birdhouse 7 · 5 0

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