woah 555 kinda like 666 suposyly devils day hmmm....either stalks u,is physic,or sadly magic like witchcraft and all of that **** ah dude i have no idea if this is helpful but man good luck u talked to her bout this situation?
2007-07-24 13:32:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Maybe She's Acting Strange because of her Chart LEO is her Sun Sign.
I can tell you her Moon is in Cancer as well as Venus, her Mercury and Ascendancy is also in LEO, her Jupiter's in Gemini, her Saturn is in Sagittarius, and Her Mars is in Aries her Planets Water Wind and Fire can make her Acted Up this way.
I'll give you a Link to Help you understand Better.
2007-07-24 20:39:02
answer #2
answered by tfoley5000 7
What choo takin' bout, TA? Is she August 10 or October 8th? You didn't give enough details about exactly what it is that's bugging you & her mom about your girlfriend. Like someone else said, maybe you shouldn't be discussing her personal business on Yahoo! Answers anyway. Try talking to her and her family to see if this is a serious medical condition that needs professional attention.
2007-07-24 21:37:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First of all, why are you giving out her personal information?
And second of all, just give her time. Maybe she has PMS. Just don't worry. She'll be fine. And isn't she supposed to know alot about you since you guys known each other for 14 years?
2007-07-24 20:30:14
answer #4
answered by Susan 3
She's ypour girlfriend for seven years, isn't she supposed to know alot about you. She could be picking it up in casual conversation. You may not remember everything you say to her but apparently it sparked her attention enough for her to memorize it.JUst take comfort in the fact that she knows you so well and know that she probably loves you. WHo knows maybe she is pregnant or your mom friends or other family members could have told her that stuff
2007-07-24 20:38:05
answer #5
answered by panamajack008 2
Well, on the bright side. Maybe she knows a lot about you because you have known her for so many years. And, the whole birthday thing could be a coincidence.
2007-07-24 20:33:57
answer #6
answered by iluvkatmcphee 2
First of all we are all born with Psychic senses everyone you talk too Yes even YOU, has one or more psychic sense some people choose to enhance them others just ignore them others may just shut them down.
Senses are
Sight: Eyes "Clairvoyance" Spiritual Body "Eye" (called the Third Eye)
Sound: Ears "Clairaudience" Spiritual Body "Ear"
Touch: Skin "Clairsentience" Spiritual Body "Skin"
Taste: Tongue/Nose "Clairlinguance" Spiritual Body "Tongue"
Smell: Nose "Clairolerance" Spiritual Body "Nose"
*Know: Brain "Claircognizance" Spiritual Body "Mind"
Clairaudience - Intuitive
This is a person who will pick up a thought and hear it. This persons mental or intellectual understanding is very important and they can make good leaders. We all know someone that we would say was a mental person, always having to understand mentally. They carefully think things through. If this person were to become enlightened they would have the ability to become a medium, someone who channels information from entities who have passed over, because their most heightened sensitivity is to hear.
Clairvoyance- Visionary
This is a person who will pick up a thought and see it. This person has the ability to transform a thought into a vision, symbol or in colour by using their mind's eye. If an artist, a decorator, a creative person, someone who mainly uses the right side of their brain were to become enlightened they would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides and this is how they would channel what they received because the ability to see images is their most heightened sensitivity.
Clairsentience - Prophetic (1)
This is a person who will pick up a thought and just knows it. This person is sensitive to precognition and has hunches, dreams and knowings and this person usually deals with the future or present and how it will affect another. If you were to meet an enlightened Prophetic you would be able to get some information about your 'line of probability', tomorrow is not set in time remember. This could be a person who has a dream about something and that dream turns out to happen in reality. They have the ability of prediction because they 'just know' and can tune into and understand their hunches.
Clairsentience - Feeler (2)
This is a person who will pick up a thought and transform it immediately into a feeling. This persons life can revolve around how it feels to them. Their sense of touch is well-developed and they have the ability to know people by feeling what they feel. After enlightenment, this is someone would have the ability to practice psychometry. The ability to put something belonging to someone in their hand and read the energy. Depending on their other gifts, they could tell the past, present or future from the energy. They have the ability to feel how others feel but only on the emotional level. They will be able to not only empathise but experience their pain, loss, grief etc. For instance, if they were to channel energy from a persons past life they would experience the pain and hurt that that soul experienced in that past lifetime.
Clairgustance - Taste
Clairgustance is being aware of tastes without putting anything physically in the mouth. To perceive the essence of a substance through taste from the spiritual or ethereal realms. The sensation of what one is tasting is often linked to a spirit on the other side.
Claircognizance - Know
The sense of knowing through our brain, even though it is not a physical sense, simply because it has a corresponding metaphysical sense known as claircognizance, or knowing without knowing how you know.
Clairolerance - The Smell
The sense of Smelling different fragrances from Spirits to find that earthly connection, strong odours you can't escape and can't explain a reason for eg: Cooking odours, Perfumes, Perfumes, Cigars or Cigarettes, Flowers, Extra. The characteristic essence linked to a spirit on the other side.
Psychometry - Touch
Psychometry is another form of psychic divination using the sense of touch to get mental impression linked to it. Psychometric impressions may come in the form of emotions, sounds, scents, tastes or images. The visions can appear is single flat images, much like a photo, or as animations. As we exist in an electromagnetic energy reality, metal objects often work best.
Not to freak you out even her life path is 8 which is Karma the 8 is a symbol of the 8 is what goes around comes around
Life Path or Destiny: 8
The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny. You will be given many opportunities in life to learn how to wisely use power, authority and money. Whether you're the head of a great corporation a great family or a great team, your discipline, persistence, courage and strength is sure to bring you success. You have a philanthropic nature and you will learn in life that true power is in sharing this success. Sports is an area requiring the kind of strength, determination and endurance that an 8 destiny gives you, as is the business world.
Love & Blessings
2007-07-24 21:27:33
answer #7
answered by milly_1963 7
If she's known you for 7 years, she is just observant. I think this "Leo" is ready to move on and expand her horizon and her life...she wants more.
2007-07-24 23:28:22
answer #8
answered by Gipper 6
once you know people for along time. They know what your going to do and say its nothing big. . It like when ur mom knows your going to do something bad before you do it why dont you talk to her.
2007-07-24 20:39:05
answer #9
answered by egyptianla 2
I heard Leos can be psychic when it comes to events........
oh and psychics are real, there are just fake ones you gotta watch out for!!!
2007-07-25 05:19:30
answer #10
answered by Sexxiii 5