Life exists at all times. It does not much care whether you yourself ( or anyone else for that matter) does. Life existed before you and will exist after you ( and all of us).
2007-07-24 08:00:44
answer #1
answered by ? 4
I do profess to follow Jesus' teachings but I do not hold that Genesis is the literal account of creation. It cannot be because know eyewitness was there. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that Moses copied it from a older text and bears a striking resemblance to it (Ancient Akkadian texts, Enuma Elish and Atra-Hasis) With that said, I believe life on earth was created, but I think there may be life before life here on earth, just as there is life after death. Many religions teach that man has a spirit, lets just say we all believe that for the sake of argument, and so then the spirit is eternal, so it must be in existence before life on earth. Just a thought to onder.
2007-07-24 14:41:48
answer #2
answered by mjbrodka 2
Christians believe that we go somewhere when we die, but we don't come back to earth! So every life on earth is unique and 'new'.
Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) believe in reincarnation, so we all have previous lives here on earth and will be back again.
But also Christians are 'apocalyptic'--they believe the universe has a start and an end. It started -here-, we are -here-, and the end is -here-. Hindus believe that the universe is eternal, that it always was and always will be. This has to be closely related to the idea that we all were here before and will come back here again.
2007-07-24 14:41:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think that we all have had many lives before this one and may continue to have many more lives. Reason being it's the body that dies not the soul/spirit. The soul/spirit still is alive; and for lack of a better word, is ready to inhabit yet another body until such time that the powers that be is satisfied with that spirits' level of having learned as much as there is to learn has been attained. This is a simplified version.
2007-07-24 14:41:17
answer #4
answered by Kiwi 3
Some of the acienct mystery teachings reveal that in the beginning God gave off a shower of sparks, and each of those sparks became a spiritual monad (and later a soul).
Many of these sparks have never come into incarnation, they have remained with the cosmos and form the planetary logos.
Some of these souls found they could slip in and out of animal bodies that the great cosmos created, and as they experienced carnal pleasures, became entraped in these bodies.
Still others were allowed to come into a human form, which was created for them. They interbred and created many of the half human/ half animals one sees in ancienty history.
Thus was created the 'law of one' where like could only co-habitate with like.
Those souls who came in originally, and some who have joined them later, are continually striving to get back to that cosmic source, some prefer to call this consicousiness God, of which we are all a part of.
Why there are bad souls and those that committ heinious crimes is an entire discourse in itself, so I won't go into that here.
There are a few old souls who have never incarnated before who have come to this earth, in different localities, to help guide the people back to the source (God) so that our world may be saved.
Mankind has put our world at peril, but if enough raise their consciousness, it can be saved.
It is difficult to put an entire philosophy into a few paragraphs, but this is the tip of the iceberg. Yes, most of us have lived before, but we had to start somewhere. :)
In Light,
2007-07-24 15:35:22
answer #5
answered by Alex 6
Okay, while i don't believe in life after death, or reincarnation, IF you can say that you will live after you die in another form, then when you are in that other form you would have had life before then.
I once had a debate with someone who believed in reincarnation, it came down to me asking them what their life was like before the one they were currently in, obviously there was no answer, because they didn't know, from that i draw the conclusion that there isn't life after death. (on earth)
2007-07-24 14:35:43
answer #6
answered by jstewart92 2
Some sad believers do have no hope. To believed in something that didn't make sense is also sad. However, you should have a freedom to believe what you like to believed. It really not matter if it true or not to you. In the ends only the true will review in the light.
Life without Jesus has no eternity life. It has no true word of God nor meaning of life. It's a life with confusion and no hope.
2007-07-24 14:37:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
A valid point. How about just life eternal, before and after, a circle without beginning or end.
2007-07-24 14:41:20
answer #8
answered by ___ 5
Well, it's obvious. If there's life(2nd) after life(1st), so there's life(1st) before life(2nd). Hereby, the 3rd one is possible and so on.
Death is just a transition, changing of form, shape.
2007-07-24 15:04:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When God made Adam He breathed life into him and Adam became a living soul. The Bible doesn't say that he was elsewhere before God gave him his life. So we become souls.
2007-07-24 14:33:41
answer #10
answered by Suzy 7