Call me old fashioned, but I am sure doctors go to med school for this sort of thing, not people on yahoo....
sorry man, see a doc and hopefully things will look UP soon!
2007-07-24 06:46:10
answer #1
answered by Disco Duck 3
You are probably just tired. See a doctor for your insomnia. Once you start getting a good night's sleep, you should be less fatigued, and better able to perform. If not, go back to your doctor. There could be many reasons, some simple, some not so simple. It is better to find the cause, then to live not knowing. Good luck.
It happens to lots of guys at all ages. Don't feel bad.
2007-07-24 06:48:14
answer #2
answered by magix151 7
You poor man. You might be suffering from depression. If you weren't before, I'm sure you are now. Why don't you seek some professional help. I don't mean that sarcastically. Also, you might want to talk to a medical doctor and get some lab work done. That's a start at finding out what the problem is. I wouldn't wait another second. Once you are getting laid again you'll be fine.
2007-07-24 06:48:51
answer #3
answered by zimmiesgrl 5
Prior to 2006 your erections were normal-so what happened since then.
The inability to get an erection can either be physical or psychological.
Do you have an erection when you wake up in the morning. If yes it shows that the mechanics of erection are working OK
What is your general health like ? any weight loss etc.
This site cannot answer your Q.I can only give you guidelines.Go and see your doctor for further discussion/tests
2007-07-24 06:54:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It sounds as if you are under some stress which can contribute to ED. First, I would suggest that you schedule a complete physical to make sure that you are medically fit. If all is well, I suggest that you consult a therapist and find the under lying cause of your problems (plural).
Good Luck!
Paramedic in SC
2007-07-24 06:48:04
answer #5
answered by JD, MAPSY 6
See a doctor, get it checked, it could be symptoms of something serious, also there are many things the doctor can recommend to you to help. Products etc. But find out why first, then go from there.
2007-07-24 06:45:42
answer #6
answered by zeekandthefam 5
You need a complete physical to determine the cause of your symptoms. You may need a referral to an endocrinologist
2007-07-24 06:49:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
See a doctor and a therapist, it could be a mental disorder or a physical illness. You must get treated right away so these symptoms don't have prolonged effects on your libido and self-esteem.
Godo luck.
2007-07-24 06:46:13
answer #8
answered by ? 3
you have to be well rested i think
2007-07-24 06:44:56
answer #9
answered by M.J. 3