* Atheism, and low moral make divorce easy.
*Duty is minimal.
*Love of our children, as a motive for staying together, is lessened because of accidental pregnancies in temporary relationships.
*Abitlity to tolerate austerity is minimal. The austerity of staying together, no matter what, is also affected.
*Sex is a priority. Deeper spiritual aspects of a married life are almost forgotten.
*Sex is used to sell products and our country is run on advertisement and merchandising.
*Few songs today are about romance and rather about sex.
All these points have influenced the American people. We are the most glutenous, wasteful, and lazy people in general. We don't care as much. We don't share as much.
We need more religious entertainment and religious education!
We have lost connection with nature and become desensitized of violence, sex and immorality.
Where are the gardens?
Where are the family cows?
The fields of green?
The forests?
The holy songs of God and heaven.
Everyone is mad after fast cars, loud base music, gambling, meat eating, illicit sex, and drugs! No one is happy deeply because God is missing!
Faith in scientists is on the rise and God is a myth?
These are good reasons for divorce, and other follies.
2007-07-23 09:15:43
answer #1
answered by superlativemoon 3
The best way to prevent divorce would be marriage abstinence. If you are never married then you cannot be divorced.
There are some differences between today and the 50's. Back then, it was harder to get a divorce. There were not lawyers advertising all over the place wanting to support you in a divorce. Also, the culture back then looked down on divorce. It was a social stain to get divorced back then especially in more affluent areas.
Today, it is easy (a little on the expensive side though) to get a divorce. The lawyers are not too hard to find and there is all sorts of books and websites to help you along. Also, socially, getting a divorce is not a big thing. In fact, both parties can actually get sympathy for the divorce rather than being ostracized.
Also, look back in the 50's. Most women were expected to get married and stay at home and take care of the kids. They did not have jobs to look forward to. In fact, they were pretty much dependent on their husbands for support. A divorce would eliminate that support unless there was alimony. Even then, it would mean a reduction in lifestyle. This would do quite a bit to quelch ideas of divorce.
As to how to prevent divorces today, why? What are the social ramifications of divorce that are so great that it must be slowed down? You might say that it keeps families together, but which is worse a child having divorced parents or parents who are constantly fighting all of the time.
The only way to slow down the divorce rate is to get people to better understand each other and what they are getting into with marriage. Most people do not want to delay their marriage for these reasons and I do not believe that society will allow there to be a waiting period for marriages. At least not one long enough for the people to figure out what is going on.
2007-07-23 08:31:48
answer #2
answered by A.Mercer 7
Why do people think the 50's were such a pillar of moral standard. The same 50's where blacks had separate fountains to drink out of and had to sit in the back of the bus. People in the 50's had the same low-life habits as now but just hid it better. Sure, they didn't get divorced - but the men beat the **** out of their wives and the woman were afraid to get out of the marriage because it was socially frowned upon. At least now woman don't have to put up with abusive husbands because they can actually get educated and work on their own. The 50's also had most mostly men working while the woman was passivly staying at home in the kitchen. So how could they leave when they couldn't support themselves.
2007-07-23 08:30:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In the 50's it was less socially acceptable. Women did not have as many options and people have overall lowered expectations about what they should "get out" of a relationship. People had their roles to play and they needed someone to play those roles.
People today expect to be happy all the time. We are much more entitled and lazy. People want the fairy tale where someone else sweeps in and makes you happy. No one is interested in doing the hard daily work required to make a marriage work. Lust and drama fade and only true respect and friendship last over the long haul.
The image of the blissful marriage portrayed on TV and in the movies is always about young new love. No one wants to watch a fat middle aged mom mow the lawn so her husband can have an extra hour of down time during the weekend. Or a husband taking the baby on a trip to the hardware store, so his wife can have an hour of uninterrupted quiet. But that is what mature love looks like in my house -it isn't huge overriding shows of love, it is little kindnesses that happen back and forth every day. But it doesn't make for good T.V.
I think realistic expectations about what marriage is really like and understanding that a relationship requires work and sacrifice would be a good place to start.
2007-07-23 08:33:39
answer #4
answered by Laurie W 4
Sometimes a divorce can be a good thing. If a couple are not doing do well together and are making each other miserable! Don't you think it is best for them to find their mate, and be happy with another person!
In the 50's people would choice to settle and some suffer all through their life for the sake of the kids and family, or some other reason. Now, people want to be happy, and this who are around will be happy as well.
The best way to prevent divorce is finding the right mate. Hard to do, but it is doable.
2007-07-23 08:39:11
answer #5
answered by Soleil 4
I think that it was societal pressure that kept people in marriages - to be divorced was a social taboo. Like having sex before marriage or have a baby out of wedlock.
Those things today don't seem that out of place. But back in the day, it was not done.
Now, if people cite irreconcilable differences, that just means they got bored or dissatisfied or unhappy in the marriage. Marriage is a throw away institution. No one takes the vows seriously, honor and commitment are non-existent in our society. It's all about instant gratification and selfishness, and since marriage is about partnership and working as a unit, that way of nihilistic thinking brings it down.
2007-07-23 08:29:01
answer #6
answered by anonevyl 4
Well the first answer on here has the right point...but he sounded retarded the way he said it.
But it's true...bottom line...RELIGION no longer holds the same importance that it once used to. And that's very unfortunate. People get married now not thinking like they used too, like "This is the one I choose...forever" Now they think "well, if it doesn't work out, we can just get a divorce" I mean...that's it...that's how people think now...and it's sad.
There's no more committment, no personal responsibilities. "Til death do us part" is just for shits and giggles now...because apparently no one takes it seriously anymore. Not sure why they even bother saying it now a days.
Good way to prevent divorces...well first...people need to realize that, like anything in this world, EVERYTHING has it's ups and downs...including living with someone. People get married now because they want sex whenever they want...not because they want a family...and want to be loved and to love.
Second...parents need to set an example. Not just quit when the going gets tough. That's why we also have so many kids dropping out of schools...because parents quit on eachother right in front of their kids...so naturally, these kids think...hell...I guess quitting in life is OK. And it's not.
2007-07-23 08:28:26
answer #7
answered by rob 2
You are assuming that a higher divorce rate is a bad thing as if divorces occur in a vacuum.
You have less people staying in bad marriages.
50 years ago less it was alot harder for a woman to make a decent living. So they were forced to stay in abusive marriages for economic and social reasons.
There are countries that have much lower divorce rates than the United States. Countries where women are regarded as property and are routinely beaten and sometimes killed by their husbands. Women by law are not allowed to divorce their husbands. But their divorce rate is much lower.
2007-07-23 08:27:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because now we live in a disposable society. Got pregnant and don't want to be?, get rid of it. Got pregnant and your baby may be born with a disability??, get rid of it, have a perfect one later.
Did you get really mad at your mate? Get rid of him, there's GOT to be a better one out there. When you find a better one and they do the same...you know what to do.
When our parents were married it was very uncommon for someone to divorce. They lived on love and not alot of money. They raised their kids with Mom at home who taught them morals and values.
The ONLY way to keep a marriage alive is by having God as the foundation of the marriage for BOTH of you. You both have to put Him first and love Him with all you are. Then you have the recipe for a great marriage. Of course you'll still have arguements, etc but you will be fair and loving and keep God on top where He belongs.
2007-07-23 08:47:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Remiyu, It has been my experience and observation that men of this generation are not as dedicated, responsible, reliable, compassionate, commited, as the men that married in the 50's. I believe that men are not sure what women's expectations are today as well. Men are unsure of their role as a result. They are not sure whether we (women) are the independent type, or are we dependent upon them for support, caring, caressing. I believe that because so many women are now in the workforce, that men view us stronger than we are, therefore believe are needs are less. Men do not know if they should approach us, telephone us, ask for a date, pay for the date, and as a result some great relationships never unfold, as they feel unsure, therefore withdraw. I wish men would know that we are not all going to crush their egos, dreams, aspirations and goals, but that most of us would like to encourage, respect, and support who they are. If they were willing to commit to a relationship, be monogomous, caring, compassionate, retain a job, willing to provide their equal share to the relationship, than I believe that marriages could succeed. I know that there are wonderful men in this world, but why are they so hard to find? There are men out there who want the same things that we do in a relationship, are willing to forgive mistakes,and are willing to work hard each day to make a relationship longlasting and successful.We need to get back to basics, belief in family, standing together in good times and bad, I truly believe that the family that prays together, stays together. kmj
2007-07-23 08:49:12
answer #10
answered by PC be with you my friend, kmj 2