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hi i'm lokking for a peugeot export type van that has got seats in the back that isn't a taxi type vehicle,,like an mpv,, do you know what i mean

2007-07-23 07:51:28 · 3 answers · asked by oh no,,,it's the kevsta 4 in Cars & Transportation Car Makes Peugeot

3 answers

Peugeot do a car-type MPV - the 807 (http://www.peugeot.co.uk/ppp/cgi-bin/ppkfcwebuk/ppplp1101_02.jsp?_strLCDV=1pvvaf&BV_SessionID=@@@@1488987742.1185263536@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccckaddlidkggdmcefecfgmdfgodffj.0&_strModeHTML=1 ).
They also do a similar-sized van-based kombi - the Expert Tepee (http://www.peugeot.co.uk/ppp/cgi-bin/ppkfcwebuk/ppplp1101_02.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1136637038.1185263606@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccckaddlidkggdmcefecfgmdfgodffj.0&_strLCDV=2pg90&_strModeHTML=1 ).

Both vehicles are joint-ventures between PSA (Peugeot-Citroën) and Fiat, so the 807 is similar to the Citroën C8 and Fiat Ulysse (and the Lancia Phedra, which is not sold in the UK or Ireland) while the Expert Tepee is virtually identical to the Citroën Dispatch Combi (Jumpy Combi in most of Europe) and Fiat Scudo Panorama.

2007-07-23 21:01:07 · answer #1 · answered by Neil 7 · 1 0

how are you able to've owned 2 Clio's and stil no longer have the skill to spell it ideal? besides, Civic variety S. The 207 is crap (I incredibly have one as a third vehicle). kit exchange is undesirable, the outdoors styling is undesirable, indoors plastics are undesirable, choose i bypass on?

2016-09-30 12:48:05 · answer #2 · answered by gavilanes 4 · 0 0


2007-07-23 07:54:53 · answer #3 · answered by cereal killer 5 · 0 0

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