First off, I know I may be just an anal jackass, but nobody is “pro-abortion.” It is just semantics, but it’s the game of semantics that gets people who are pro-choice in trouble from the get go. People automatically assume that if a person is “pro-choice,” they are “pro-abortion.”
Now, pay close attention you “pro-lifers”:
People who are pro-choice are simply arguing (as cliché as this sounds) the woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body. They AREN’T promoting the aborting of fetuses. It infuriates me that my belief that a woman has a right to her own body is equivalent to me believing she should just abort fetuses left and right – although generally I think that’s her prerogative, I just wouldn’t really respect a person of that nature. And honestly, I can’t possibly be promoting “abortion.” Have you EVER seen a woman that’s recently had an abortion? Despite the physical pain, she’s so emotionally distraught that it's capable of changing her personally. Would you call her pro-abortion? Or would you realize that particular circumstances have forced her to make a choice and endure the trauma? AND even if a woman isn't necessarily making a choice with the best of intentions, that's still her right. Nobody has the authority to take that away from her. You can have your opinion of her, you can even give her that opinion - that's your right - but that's as much say anyone other than the woman should have in the matter. (And I know what the counter argument is, "What about the man?" Generally, if a woman is contemplating abortion, the man is usually out of the picture. If not, he has the right to take her to court.)
The phrase “pro-life” is especially maddening to me as it suggests that people who are on the opposing side are “pro-death” or “anti-life.” Please…that sort of self-righteous, propagandistic promotion is the reason abortion should exist, to rid the world of people who come up with the crap. (And for those of you that might get your panties in a bunch, that was a joke.)
Anyway, now that I’m done with semantics, as to the argument of whether a woman has the right to choose? Well...WHY THE HELL SHOULDN'T SHE?
Now, I’m not going to argue what the rights and wrongs of abortion are, I’m simply going to argue in the general. Abortion is not an issue of simply “abortion,” it’s an argument of people trying to instill their own beliefs into others – a belief of what is more “ethical.” To try and regulate moral/ethical issues is the most unsuccessful action any system can attempt – especially since there is no proof as to what side is the “moral” one. Look at the prior laws for prohibition or the recent ones trying to wage “war on drugs.” Moral issues cannot be controlled because morality is subjective. People who judge abortion in terms of morality (the pro-lifers) tend to do so in accord with the Bible and religious doctrines. However, the problem is, not everyone believes in the same brainwashing, dogmatic system.
If people simply stopped referring to a fetus as a child (because obviously nobody’s promoting infanticide), and saw a fetus as what it actually is – a part of the woman – then there wouldn’t even be an issue. And that’s exactly what a fetus is, a part of the woman, as the fetus cannot exist unattached to the woman. If the fetus can breathe and live outside the woman’s womb, it’s then that it can no longer be referred to as a fetus, but a child – and hell, no one’s promoting murder. Much like a limb, it dies when detached from the person. And although it would be completely daft of someone to chop off their arm or leg, they have the right to do so if they please. And I can guarantee that if people started doing that, nobody’s going to band together and start a pro-limb or anti-self-amputation organization.
And hell, on an even broader level, STOP F-U-C-K-I-N-G CARING ABOUT HOW OTHER PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES. In the grand scheme of things, their lives don’t matter, their fetus’ life doesn’t matter, their choices don’t matter, and their beliefs don’t matter. In the grand scheme of things, you don’t even matter…so stop forcing your beliefs on others. Seriously, what you don’t know can’t, shouldn’t, and doesn’t matter to you…so keep your care to yourself and those you choose to care about – that’s all that you’re allowed.
2007-07-23 03:28:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Most civilised societies are in favour of abortion if the mother chooses to have one. Abortion itself is a perfectly natural process with between 50% and 70% of all fertilised ova aborting naturally without the mother being aware she has conceived. If these fertilised ova are human beings with souls, that is an enormous natural wastage.
Apart from these natural unknown terminations, many foetuses abort some time after conception and are usually called miscarriages and then stillborn. The medical terminations that take place are a drop in the ocean compared with the natural terminations.
A fertilised ovum is a cell that has the potential to become a human being. Any cell in your body has that potential, there is nothing special about an egg.
If, as some religious people believe, a fertilised ovum is a human being with a soul, what happens when the ovum splits into two and identical twins develop. Where does the extra soul come from? What happens when two ova that have separated and developed separately then combine to form a chimaera, one person from the origins of two. Does this person have one soul or two and if one, where did the extra one go? All the cells that made up two individuals are now making one.
The fertilised ovum is not a human being any more than a fingernail is. A human being becomes human with all the rights of a human when it is born and not before.
2007-07-23 00:09:37
answer #2
answered by tentofield 7
Nihil - I'm no doctor and I'm certainly not god, but here it goes. I'm not pro anything, but I am against ignorance. The problem with meddling in a woman's business is this.
First - if she's not psychologically ready to have a child, how can we think the baby will have "a life" once born? Once the baby is born, he/she needs more than air to breathe. There are women who kill their own kids as you see in the media. That's sad, real freaking sad!
Second - no offense to anyone, but to all those people screaming bloody murder, why do we have children in orphanages if you are so adamant about other people's duty to have them? I mean, if you feel that strongly about it, go out and do an "Angelina Jolie", if you catch my drift. Save the kids, don't show them on Barbara Walters like they are some kind of freak show.
Third - a woman "has an abortion" every month. It is called a menstrual cycle. The egg "dies" every month.
Fourth - we eat eggs every day - chicken eggs, quail eggs, fish eggs. So it's ok to kill animals and their babies (think veal here and how it's treated before it's killed in order to get that tender meat), but, on the other hand, we tell a woman that she must continue her pregnancy. I'm no vegetarian either, but when did "god" die and put these people in charge?
Fifth - it seems to me that the only reason we seem to think the fecundated egg has to be saved is because of this very reason. For me biology and is not quite enough to make a "human". I mean, do you think serial killers were born that way? No, someone treated them like dirt, someone very close to them.
Sixth - yeah, it's a man's world. So if the fathers would be alongside the mothers when this pregnancy occurs, and they would take some of that responsibility, we wouldn't have so many abortions. I'm not trying to point fingers. I'm just saying it takes two to do the horizontal mambo.
Seventh - if we taught our kids how precious a life is and how important it is not to have unprotected sex, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
Finally - most people who do scream "bloody murder" do so because of the Bible, which teaches that woman is dirty and has been cursed by some misogynistic god to suffer every month and during childbirth, and this makes their argument fall like a house of playing cards.
In the words of Dennis Miller, "I may be wrong, but I doubt it!"
Just wanted to add - tentofield seems to know what he/she's talking about from a biological perspective. To the lady who thinks women have abortions for sport - do you have any clue how messed up some of these girls are? Two in particular that I worked with came from a religious Pentecostal family. There were 17 kids in their family. Their parents treated the girls like second class citizens. They thought so little of themselves that they became masochistic. Again, if their parents would have done something other than breed like rabbits, they may have had three kids, but three mentally healthy ones. It all goes back to ignorance and religion, I hate to say it.
John - no offense taken. I guess you can tell how long it's been since I turned on the TV set. ;-)))
2007-07-23 01:27:24
answer #3
answered by Brat of Brats 4
I am 100% pro life--no ifs, ands or buts. I could go on and on, but I'd run out of room in my answer.
I don't personally know many people like myself--most people I know are pro-choice. They don't agree with abortion and would certainly never have one themselves, but they believe in the woman's right to choose.
As for the women who have abortions (especially those who use abortions as birth control, or who can't seem to stop having abortions), who am I to judge? There's a power much, much higher than I who will sort things out in the end.
2007-07-23 02:43:14
answer #4
answered by brevejunkie 7
I am pro-choice. It is the mother's right to choose--not someone that does not know her or her situation, or lives a thousand miles away. It is no one's right to even discuss the matter but the mother, and who are we to force someone to have a kid? It is her body and her choice alone.There are plenty of unwanted kids already, why send another to live on the streets or in an orphanage? And why can't all these people fight something like child abuse? Or spousal abuse? Or hunger and human overpopulation? Or anything that might even be a *right* to be their concern?
And don't you find it odd that pro-choice people can justify themselves and their ideas, but pro-life people fly off the handle at the simple mention of abortion, and then can't even come up with a real justification?
2007-07-22 23:46:59
answer #5
answered by mathaowny 6
i am pro choice but not for the same reasons as most femhogs are
if a child is going to be born to drug addicted mother or abusive mother or just plan out sorry woman then the humain thing to do is let there be a choice
2007-07-23 01:05:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well i don't think abortion is right or wrong. it's a choice. it's one that can be devestating to a woman, but can also be the best decision she can make. the government doesn't belong in the uteruses of women. we are more than just a uterus with a head. we are women, and as women we have the right to choose when it comes to our lives, our bodies.
2007-07-23 09:01:37
answer #7
answered by GothicLady 6
I am pro- choice.
2007-07-23 05:46:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am . I hate babies,toddlers. I hate hearing screaming brats. I have one upstairs from me. ugh.
2016-09-26 07:40:54
answer #9
answered by Scooby Doo 2
Abortion is bloody murder!!!
2007-07-22 23:45:30
answer #10
answered by Mr. Blue 4