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A mans job is it to take the beach or Fallujah or anything that involves beeing exposed to enemy fire fast reflexes and balls of steel. Amazingly feminists agree on it as well. Why dont feminists agree that big buisness or science is a mans job as well depsite the absence of female success (even in a time where they are actually favoured over men, despite of what current day feminists say) ? Why invest in women and send them to buisness school ? I mean you could use your Computer as a doorstopper and see if you can get your calculator to handle C++ somehow, but why would you do that ? Why do feminists insist Men should be home changing diapers so women can run down Juggernauts ? I am not saying a woman cant be better than a man, it depends on how you pair them up, but for every good woman there is always a better man, just like in sports, so why invest in women ?

2007-07-22 23:15:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

Note Iam aware that the article says that the provided statistics are meaningless. If you want to delude yourself into thinking that the lines have been added for other reasons than out of political correctness and to avoid the ire of the femhags go right ahead.

2007-07-22 23:19:02 · update #1

Of course women can do physical jobs they prooved it, but men are better at it. Of course women can be ceos, we had 9 2 years ago, but men are better at it. So why women out of the kitchen and men into the kitchen ?

2007-07-22 23:29:56 · update #2

And of course women are second choices, there are good reasons for it.

2007-07-22 23:31:31 · update #3

geniepiper and the reaons you think the different brain architectures in a man and in a woman has no effect on jobs that require thinking is ?

2007-07-22 23:36:04 · update #4

KA which question did you read ? Iam talking about women here who HAD said equal opportunity, probably over better qualified MEN because women depsite beeing second rate are favoured thanks to Political correctness and failed miserably. The real troubel is, that talking of female shortcomings and incompetence is considered sexist, unless it is blatantly and undeniably obvious.
But how much microfailure is holding back America, with women doing jobs men should do ?

2007-07-23 02:13:30 · update #5

Ans yes there are feminists opposing a female draft, just like there might be feminists voicing for a feminist draft. But saying "ferminists don't want the responsibility of going to war. It simply is NOT true" is simply NOT true.

2007-07-23 02:15:32 · update #6

I mean female draft.

2007-07-23 02:15:49 · update #7

Rio the only place a woman takes a man to the cleaners is divorce court. And as for there will always be a better woman, the opposite is true, there will always be a better man. As for women beeing better than men it depends on with which man you pair the woman. 9 out of 9 female ceos in the fortune 500 failed miserably.

2007-07-23 02:52:58 · update #8

Rio I insist why should men take over half of the duties at home, if their energy is better spent elsewhere, unlike that of women ?

2007-07-23 02:54:01 · update #9

KA there are women who call themselfs feminist voicing for female inclusion and women voicing against inclusion. As for feminism as a whole Iam not aware of NOW or a similiar organisation fighting for female inclusion in the draft.

2007-07-23 03:38:01 · update #10

Wendy G I was waiting for somone to say that. Let me translate what that means. 2 years ago the company did well on the decisions the previous Ceo had taken, after a while of female leadership the effects are starting to show.
We dont have the 60s anymore. Women had the opportunity and we have seen what the different brain architecture means. Women do well on language spelling and gymnastic men on almost everything else.

2007-07-23 05:12:34 · update #11

And Ebay is doing even worse under female leadership than it did 2 years ago, so much for 2 years old. I dont know what you are trying to talk those wimmin out there. They had their opportunity, they produced their results some of them have been replaced by men. It aint an "Give women an opportunity (feminist scream and lobbying for quotas) " issue, they had it and we have the results and the new intel chip is still beeing designed by men.

2007-07-23 05:14:58 · update #12

Wendy G Actually yes they were recent highers back then almost all of them. Its kind of like a toddler flying an airplane. The crew takes off and gives the wheel to the curious toddler (in the good ole days). After a bit of fun the real pilots take over or the flight is in trouble.
And as for today the companies are starting to rid themselfs of female "leadership", for a reason.

2007-07-23 11:50:43 · update #13

10 answers

Women have to work extra hard just to be remotely equal to a man. Some think this shows women have strength but it just exposes how much weaker women are than men.

Its a foolish thing for them to do. Ultimately its harmful and toxic for everyone involved.

2007-07-23 00:40:09 · answer #1 · answered by Mike D 2 · 2 3

You mention differences in brain structures, and how they affect male vs. female performance in jobs that require "thinking" (as if most tasks in general don't require "thinking") which shows you know nothing of those differences and what they mean to the "thought processes".
As for your "question", did you not read the part that said that women performed above average (i.e. their male counterparts) two years before the article was written? If you are hypothesizing that women are somehow not capable of running a fortune 500 company, how do explain their above average performance two years before? Also, the article states that women are more likely to take on struggling companies that men will turn down, making the odds of failure more likely.
And then you mention something about the author "adding lines" to placate the "femhags" (nice). It's interesting how you engage in selective reading, not only do you take what you want (whatever suits your agenda) and reject the rest, you even go so far as to claim your own source is "making stuff up."
And lastly, this article is a couple of years old...which leads me to believe that you actually have to search the net for this stuff, which leads me to believe that you have WAY too much time on your hands.

EDIT--Sorry Cassius, you might want to rethink that. For that logic to work, the women would have to have been recent hires in '03. You are assuming that in every case where a female led Fortune 500 company performed above average in '03, that a man led that company the previous year (or two). That is a ridiculous assumption, and most certainly would not have been the case. So the fact remains that the female CEO's WERE, in fact, the reason behind the high performances in '03. Women performed above average in 2003, they didn't do as well in '05. I would be curious to find out how their doing now. And you still haven't acknowledged that women are more likely to take on failing companies.

2007-07-23 04:39:58 · answer #2 · answered by wendy g 7 · 1 0

"You cannot accept that there are some women fighting for female inclusion in the draft and at the same time say that women reject the responsibility of going to war."

Sure you can. Only a tiny, quiet, unobtrusive cadre of women are pushing for inclusion in selective service. Can you name any prominent female politicians who are pushing for women in selective service? What's Hillary's timeline for drafting women if she is elected? What are Nancy Pelosi's plans for House bills to make selective service gender neutral? When was the last time the president of NOW or other feminist organizations publicly called for an end to draft discrimination against men? Hmmmm? The vast majority of women oppose women in the draft and, by their silence, are a political force against it. They are taking the easy way out by letting the men do the difficult, dangerous but necessary things. As usual.

EDIT (sigh)
At the risk of stating the obvious, it is not enough to declare that many women are against war. So are many men. That's not the point. The point is that as long as there is a draft, the burden of the draft should be shared equally by both sexes. This isn't rocket science.

2007-07-23 03:46:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

this is stereotyping and simplifying the whole equation of equality. man can do physical jobs so can women. women can be ceos if they have the chance and opportunity to do so. the whole has been male-dominated therefore women are 2nd choices. when the balance is tilt probably in the future, then your question will be reversed. so dont push your luck. infact women is one better which men can never do, bearing a child which makes them more powerful than men, i think! so until women are given true equal status, humanity would move on to the next level of harmony and equanimity

2007-07-22 23:24:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I didn't want to go to college, but daddy bribed me. He said that he didn't want me to be uneducated when he could pay for an education. He said that he wanted me to learn to live on my own, and find a way to contribute to society.

I didn't want a career after college, but daddy bribed me. He pointed out the flaws of the man I was dating. He encouraged me to find a job that matched my education. He wouldn't let me settle for a small salary, or a dead end career. He held my hand when my boyfriend dumped me because I made more than him.

I didn't want to become boss, but daddy told me it was the fruits of the college, and job training we worked on. He taught me how to deal with the older men I was in charge of. He gave me tips on how to be an empathetic manager.

I was living Daddy's dream; not mine. However, these cannot be separated after all this time. So, all I have to say is "Thanks Dad" for careing for my well being.

2007-07-23 05:34:20 · answer #5 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 1 0

Men will not be infallibly better than women. There will always be at least one woman who can easily take the guys to the cleaners. No one insisted that men should be home — we don't want separate spheres. We just insisted that "home" shouldn't be such a feminized place, and that men take on at least half of the duties there.

2007-07-23 02:24:19 · answer #6 · answered by Rio Madeira 7 · 1 2

Do I need to remind you that there are feminists fighting for female inclusion in Selective Service? There are men fighting AGAINST that! So don't try to pass off the argument that feminists don't want the responsibility of going to war. It simply is NOT true.

As for your sexist division of labor, I urge you to step out of your personal comfort zone and consider EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. A shift in thinking is required to offer equal opportunity, because as long as attitudes like Mike D's and yours exist, women do not receive equal opportunity to prove themselves in business. It is because of these attitudes rooted in gender roles and male superiority that Affirmative Action was instituted in the first place. So quit crying in your beer and give each person a fair and equal opportunity to prove their worth. That's all I ask.

EDIT: On the subject of the draft - I think you are mixing a general pacifist position (which many feminists hold, including myself) with the current inequality of requiring only men to register for Selective Service. These issues must be examined separately. You cannot accept that there are some women fighting for female inclusion in the draft and at the same time say that women reject the responsibility of going to war. BOTH cannot happen at the same time. Pick ONE.

EDIT2: Re: business... please re-read what I wrote about Affirmative Action and attitudes. I admit there are some incompetent people in certain jobs because of AA. My point is, AA was deemed necessary because of rigid attitudes held by men who refused to offer equal opportunity to qualified women. Now you have to live with the law. Women are not the ones to blame here.

Edit 3: Ksoileau, you must have missed this part: " I think you are mixing a general pacifist position (which many feminists hold, including myself) with the current inequality of requiring only men to register for Selective Service. These issues must be examined ***separately. "

Let's look at one issue at a time, shall we?
I am opposed to war. ALL war. I am opposed to Selective Service registration ENTIRELY. I don't want men to have to register. I think that if our military cannot sustain itself on a voluntary basis, we should not be invading foreign countries. So far, we have managed without instituting a draft... but if you aren't ready to fly without a safety net, maybe you should not be flying at all.

I'm sure you can find some women who fit your archetype of "wanting rights without responsibilities" (my guess is they are too young to remember segregated want ads) but it is neither fair nor accurate to generalize and assume that this is the mindset of all women or all feminists.

2007-07-23 02:07:49 · answer #7 · answered by not yet 7 · 2 1

In general, jobs that require upper body strength are better done by a man; although believe it or not, I have met some women who have better upper arm strength than some men.

OTOH jobs that require patience and non-linear thinking are generally better done by women. We have had to learn those things, and perhaps evolution has better equipped us for it. Doesn't mean there are not some men who are good at these things, but my sixty years has taught me that most women tend to be much more patience and much better at non-linear thinking.

Patience and non-linear thinking are of much use in many fields including business and science.

As for the changing diapers part. Well, some men have difficulty associating something that happened nine months previous with the little bundle that they have suddenly been presented with. They need something to tell them that "Hey, this kid is yours!" They need "bonding" and, hard as it is to believe and accept for most men, changing diapers is a bonding experience that works for men as well as women.

2007-07-22 23:33:33 · answer #8 · answered by geniepiper 6 · 3 4

Simple answer

Feminism = Hypocricy

2007-07-23 10:48:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i agree funny feminest want every right and respect that a man has but doent want to go to war hmmm now you know why there isnt a draft because legally now you would have to draft women funny isnt it femhogs=women that cant or refuse to accept they dont have a penis

2007-07-22 23:58:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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