They are out there. It's complicated. Go to Youtube and just search for UFO videos. Some of the videos you will see are incredible.
2007-07-22 23:11:39
answer #1
answered by Gabriel 1
If you take the acronym UFO literally to mean Unidentified Flying Object then of course they exist. Anything you see in the sky which you do not recognize is a UFO to you.
If, however, you mean UFO in the sense of some form of transport guided by an alien intelligence from another part of the universe the answer is a resounding NO. The distances involved would mean that the travelers would have been in space for tens or hundreds of generations. As for crashing into the earth I can hardly believe that such advanced craft would arrive at our planet only to hear the driver yell out "Oh s*it the breaks don't work". And, as for the government having "little green men" in cold storage think on! I know governments are stupid but not even that donor in a brain transplant Bush would authorize the tens of millions spent every year on experiments like SETI if they already had the answers.
Sorry, but such rubbish is the stuff of comic books. If there is intelligence out there (as there may well be statistically) it will be so far away that the chances of contact in the short time from the dawn of civilization to man's eventual extinction is just about zero.
2007-07-23 07:02:18
answer #2
answered by U.K.Export 6
I, for one, don't believe UFOs exist. They're just made by the human imagination.
But I'm not still sure. If there are UFOs out there, why won't they show up here in earth? LOL. ..
Yeah well.
My answer is I don't believe in them.
2007-07-23 06:14:55
answer #3
answered by miriam is a dork 5
UFOs do but they are from Earth. The sightings are more often then not in proximity to Air Force bases where top secret aircraft are being developed and many have been shown to have things such as "made in the USA" written on them when photos were blown up.
2007-07-23 06:15:43
answer #4
answered by Caninelegion 7
A modern myth. If one such would have ever visited our planet then why scientists have been scratching their heads in declaring any extra terrestrial life? Why so much search after a life beyond planet earth? Forget intelligent life, we are yet to discover an algae, plant or any other lower forms of life!
Strange inspite so much scientific efforts and trillion trillion trillion dolars being spent on NASA's effort to find one more planet that would support life, is that all humbug and nonsense? Are these scientists and governments are lunatics to do so?
So I guess you got an answer.
2007-07-23 06:21:01
answer #5
answered by Harihara S 4
UFO, as defined as "Unidentified Flying Objects" do indeed exist. All that is necessary is the viewer being unable to tell exactly what they are seeing in the sky.
2007-07-23 13:42:35
answer #6
answered by Challenger 2
If by "UFO" you mean an unidentified flying object that is controlled by extra-terrestrials, then no. There is no intelligent life (other than humans) in our solar system, and traveling at 25,000 mph, it would take over 100,000 years to get here from the nearest star (Alpha Centauri).
2007-07-23 06:12:38
answer #7
answered by Georgie 3
They exist and they live very close just in different dimensions.
2007-07-23 08:44:37
answer #8
answered by IggySpirit 6
0⤋ is the link, but you have to decide for your self how valid the evidence is. In short, as I have said a number of times, if most of what is reported is true, it is not a really good thing. Actually, it is a really bad thing.
2007-07-23 06:55:44
answer #9
answered by mike453683 5
Well yeah they exist.
Earth is not the only planet that can support living organism dude -.-
I sure hope to meet them if they visit Earth!! ^.^
Or maybe be friends with them XD
2007-07-23 07:55:02
answer #10
answered by arsenal_chun17 3