I think it depends on what type of paint they used. If you live in an apartment and they just used crappy cheap paint, there's porbably not much more you'll be able to do than wipe them down w/ mild soap and water. I have found that those Mr. Clean Magic Eraser things work well if you have marks/scuff that don't wipe off well on textured surfaces.
2007-07-22 15:45:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are no better products out there than the Norwex line, microfiber cloths, just water, no soap, no chemicals. In fact I used their mop system to do all the walls in my house. They won't take the paint off the walls, cause you are only using water, although I say that tongue in cheek, because if poor quality paint was used it will come off anyway, always test an area... their streak free window cleaning is the best hands down, even though you didn't ask about windows.... remember any time you do walls, use the minimum amount of water you need, wash from the top to the bottom and rinse the cloth out really often and well, so you won't get streaks running down the wall.
2007-07-22 16:04:47
answer #2
answered by Debb 2
I mix up a solution of Murphy's Oil Soap (found in grocery stores, Wal-Mart, etc. in the cleaning products aisle) and water and use an old face cloth that I wring out well so the solution doesn't run down the walls. Start at the bottom and work up. The face cloth has just enough nap to provide a good scrubbing surface. For a serious problem spot, I use a Mr Clean Magic Eraser sponge, but be careful! Don't scrub with it or it will remove paint. It's great for crayon, scratch marks and other unidentified marks on the wall.
2007-07-22 15:47:24
answer #3
answered by Caligirlsmom 3
I find that vim works really well for any marks. Just put a dab of vim on a wet cloth and wash the dirt spot, then resume washing the rest of the walls with a solution of very hot water and amonia if you can stand the smell of amonia. Oxyclean in hot water works well and does not smell as bad as amonia.
2007-07-22 17:26:48
answer #4
answered by glenp 3
Mix 2 ounces borax with 1 teaspoon amonia and 2 quarts water.
Diluted SpicandSpan is another option.
Fill in small nail holes with white toohpaste if the walls are white or off white.
2007-07-22 16:04:53
answer #5
answered by Nina 2
A mild solution of sugar soap should do. Wear gloves though - not nice on the hands
2007-07-22 15:42:02
answer #6
answered by Sal*UK 7
Try using a mop the kind with a sponge and ringer on one end you can reach everything from the floor even the ceiling. Its fun too.
2007-07-22 16:14:12
answer #7
answered by B.B.B. 4
Sugar soap is the best thing to use to clean walls. It is cheap, gentle and effective.
2007-07-22 15:42:33
answer #8
answered by Kelly R 5
Simple Green works great. It worked on the walls of my parent's place and they smoke in their home.
2007-07-22 16:10:48
answer #9
answered by Ryan's mom 7
Im not positive about vineger,but you could try:
floor cleaner w/ water
and vinegar would prob. be fine
2007-07-22 15:42:54
answer #10
answered by gabby 1