Deal with it. Every teenage girl can write the same story, but we all get through it. Hang in there, it's part of growing up.
2007-07-22 14:24:24
answer #1
answered by Granny 6
You didn't state how old you are. Alot of times young teens tend to 'hate' their parents, think they are the worst parents a kid could have, etc. I think we ALL have been there.
I'm glad you enjoy your brothers and sister. You may find you can talk to them about your feelings if they're old enough to understand??
You also don't state how old your bf is. Is he older than you?? If so, your parents are trying to protect you, not hurt you.
No, do NOT run away. You need to stick it out at home. Running only makes things worse for everyone. Think of your brothers and sister...they'd miss you and your parents would miss you very much and be scared.
Please try to TALK to your parents. Not as a kid, but as a teen (or however old you are), and don't yell, cry, etc. Let them know you have something you'd like to discuss with them. Then when you have their attention, let them know of your concerns, NICELY! Trust me, I'm a parent and I will listen to my kids on any subject, but when they start to cop an attitude, it sets me off and I'm done listening. So maybe keep that in mind! :-) Good luck and if you'd like you can email me!
2007-07-22 15:06:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I used to be like you when I was a teen- except I was really being abused!
I realized that running away wouldn't ever solve anything!
Instead, there are other solutions like talking to your parents about how you feel-
in my situation my mom didn't trust me at all- even though I was good-
however, an abusive parent that beats you even at the high school is extreme- be thankful you have 2 parents & siblings!
Recently, a licensed professional counselor said- "If your kids hate you- you're doing your job as parents!"
*side note:
I never had the privilege of hating my mom- I was too freaking scared of her killing me!
2007-07-22 14:28:52
answer #3
answered by Lynnette_is_a_Lovely_Latina! 4
Listen to me...I can see your point of view why you think that you would say running away would be perfect since you hate your parents and they seem to not trust you and all you and your mom do is argue. But, running away will not help your problems. It may make them worse. Try to work them out. Address to your parents you want to be treated with the same respect your siblings get. In addition, if they won't let you see your boyfriend you should address it to them that they shouldn't be so suspicious of you too if you have nothing to hide. If they still don't understand, tell them you want to be treated with enough dignity and respect that every human deserves.
2007-07-22 14:29:07
answer #4
answered by fantasynerdgirl 3
honestly i was reading this article in a magazine that says over 10 million teens run away each year and about 1/4 of those teens end up injured or worse. wherever you go make sure you are someplace where you are safe don't try and live on the streets thats what most of those 1/4 of girls did. but it doesn't matter honestly it is up to you, you shouldn't run away my advice is not to. but if you are truly not happy there talk to your parents or your siblings they can help, or they should. just don't go and get lost and start hanging out with total strangers ok??? promise me that.
good luck!
2007-07-22 21:49:11
answer #5
answered by Punk_Rock_Princess 2
Concentrate on being as good as you possibly can be. You will earn your parents trust. It is normal for mothers and daughters to clash. Some day you will be in your Mother's situation. It's a thankless job. Finish school, get a job and then you will be ready to leave home.
2007-07-22 14:32:59
answer #6
answered by oldbutgood 2
No. No matter how bad things are. Running away will just make them worse. You could end up ruining your whole life. I base this on experience.
2007-07-22 14:24:28
answer #7
answered by punch 7
You would probably be better off at home, unless your parents are abusing you. Being on your own is no picnic.
2007-07-22 14:40:15
answer #8
answered by Wise@ss 4
I think running away is kind of drastic....why dnt you try to tlk to them or something or get sum help from sumbody u know
2007-07-22 14:23:41
answer #9
answered by precious0818 2
just stick around make your parents vote for ron paul
2007-07-22 14:28:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous