People aren't accepting of something different or anything that differs from the general norm people expect and want from people. Different to them means unstability and the differences can be scary. Some people are set in the ways they view the world, and anything different must be bad. People also have their stereotypes and their false views of what these different things are. Or, some people are so closeminded that they refuse to even believe that anything different could be on the same level as them. I don't understand why people can't accept people no matter what their differences are.
2007-07-22 11:16:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sorry but Westerners don't have the market on intolerance, racism, hatred, etc., etc. etc. Look at any country which has suffered a civil war because of "ethnic cleansing" or "in the name of (my) God (not yours)" - look at Africa - look at Russia, China, Gemany, Italy and Ethiopia, the middle east, the Romans, the Turks and the Greeks, the Spaniards, your nearest history book - I think either you're just trying to stir things up or you're very, very young.
2007-07-28 08:21:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Maybe it is in our genes to respond that way. For example, in early evolution it may have been a factor in survival to reject the different one. And now, open mindedness comes to so many after the reproductive years that it doesn't act as a trait for survival. But culturally, we can overcome such genetic predispositions, because our brains are capable of conscious choice.
2007-07-22 11:17:28
answer #3
answered by gilpers302 3
I fel you're incorrect. Where I live I see no intolerance of different people. They are treated the same.
2007-07-22 11:15:46
answer #4
answered by luckford2004 7
if you have so much problem coping up in a western society/country then why do u choose to go there in the first place
2007-07-22 11:42:32
answer #5
answered by Stephen H 1
because we fear things we don't understand or fear things we don't want to understand. I'd hate to be gay and live in texas, which is why i live between cali and az! It works for me!
2007-07-22 11:16:24
answer #6
answered by highschoolscholar7 1
wELL ppL in dA wOrLD fEAR dIfrEnT juS beCuZ dY aINt usE 2 wAT u bEliEVE....dY aRE sCaRED oF wAT dY maY fINd!!! i MEaN i aWSo LIvE WIF BEIN dIfrENT aN tHERfO i Dnt haVE aLOtA frENDz aN StUff bT u LEArN 2 LIVe wIT iT an ObVIOUsLy u dO geT dOzE wHoM aCtUALLy Dnt MInD U beIn A lil diFRENT....sO JUS sHApE Ur LiFE aCoRDiNG 2 wAT u r DNT tRY be LyK dA reSt...wETHa dY miNd Or NoT u r wAT u r!!!! oDA ppL maY be WEALThY bT dY cUd be uR frENd WERE oDaZ maY C U aZ sUM poOr frEAk>>>dIFREnT pPL dIfREnT wAYz oF C'IN a SiTUaTioN....sO iT CUD bE da SaME wIT oDA aSPeCTZ lYK reLIgION,cULTURE etc. etc....hOPe Ma pEACe oF mINd MeANt SuMtIN!!!!
2007-07-29 22:06:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous