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my boiler just turned itself off and refuse to start again i think it needs to be replaced, is gas boiler covered under normal home insurance?

2007-07-22 10:18:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

2 answers

No.. it is considered part of routine maintenance and upkeep. But..... if it got hit by lightning, flood damage, electrical surge, it was stolen, robber hit it with a baseball bat,neighbors dog chewed it..... then you might have a claim.

2007-07-22 10:40:10 · answer #1 · answered by lori s 4 · 0 0

Before you take out a policy, check whether your boiler is already covered under your home insurance.
Some policies includes emergency cover, which covers common problems such as your boiler breaking down or a burst pipe. But this is just for emergencies and exclusions apply - your boiler can't be more than eight years old and it will only be covered on winter
The amount paid out is also capped at $150 - less than you would get with separate boiler insurance. Alternatively, some providers let you buy emergency cover on top of your normal home insurance - usually cheaper than standalone boiler cover.
The likelihood of your boiler breaking down is mainly to do with how old it is and what condition it's in.
If you decide to go down the self-pay route, make sure your boiler is serviced on a regular basis, and any problems are fixed before they get bigger.
So find yourself a reliable plumber who will keep your boiler in good nick. Ask for recommendations and always check that they are good.
If you opt not to have boiler insurance, you need to be prepared to cough up if your boiler does fail. A good way to keep maintenance costs down is to get your timing right - for instance, schedule in a service during the summer, when it will be cheaper - http://insripoffs.blogspot.se/

2015-05-20 22:25:18 · answer #2 · answered by Diannne 2 · 0 0

Not unless there was something other than normal wear that caused it. Examples are flooding, lightning strike etc.

2007-07-22 10:52:16 · answer #3 · answered by sensible_man 7 · 0 0

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