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See the RTBA website for details:



The “Read the Bills Act (RTBA).” RTBA requires that . . .

Each bill, and every amendment, must be read in its entirety before a quorum in both the House and Senate.

Every member of the House and Senate must sign a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that he or she has attentively either personally read, or heard read, the complete bill to be voted on.

Every old law coming up for renewal under the sunset provisions must also be read according to the same rules that apply to new bills.

Every bill to be voted on must be published on the Internet at least 7 days before a vote, and Congress must give public notice of the date when a vote will be held on that bill.

Passage of a bill that does not abide by these provisions will render the measure null and void, and establish grounds for the law to be challenged in court.

Congress cannot waive these requirements.

2007-07-22 09:50:20 · 5 answers · asked by Martin L 5 in Politics & Government Government

5 answers

Way to go. Yes, I would support that.

And I would lobby for it being a constitutional amendment, just so Congress couldn't tamper with it later.

2007-07-22 09:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by coragryph 7 · 4 0

No it fairly is no longer constitutional for invoice Clinton to have a third term as President, the undeniable fact that Franklin Roosevelt served 3 comprehensive words and have been given elected to a 4th term, led to ratification interior the 50s of a constitutional modification that prohibits serving extra beneficial than 2 words as President. additionally in accordance to this modification someone can serve 10 years as President offered a President dies in workplace or resigns inflicting vice chairman to take over. to illustrate while impeachment lawsuits against invoice Clinton have been interior the technique, rumor had it he could wait till finally January twentieth, 1999 to provide up as a results of fact if Al Gore had replace into President on January twentieth, 1999 or after, then it could have been criminal for Al Gore to be elected to 2 comprehensive words as President, yet that resignation by no skill befell. even with the undeniable fact that while Gerald Ford grew to alter into President in 1974 he became ending extra beneficial than 2 years of Nixon's term meaning if Gerald Ford had gotten elected to an entire term in 1976, he does not have been allowed to run in 1980. yet anyhow the way it relatively works is you are going to be elected to easily 2 words (4 years each and each term) yet can serve 10 years if dying or resignation of a prior President is two years or much less before next election.

2016-10-22 08:56:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I't's very simple, it's like putting something together without reading the instructions first. If you don't read the whole bill you will probably take it out of context, & therefore vote wrong.

2007-07-22 10:03:51 · answer #3 · answered by GREGORIOUSITY 5 · 1 0

This sounds great to me! Maybe then they would write bills that anyone with a high school diploma could read and understand.

2007-07-22 09:55:24 · answer #4 · answered by Coasty 7 · 1 0

YES. Clarity and awareness is exactly what this country needs to focus on right now. This is awesome.

2007-07-22 10:04:07 · answer #5 · answered by superbaler 2 · 1 0

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