America needs to drop its obsession with being number one. It is time for the United States to become a member of the world community rather than a murderous bully. Obscene over-consumption has become a hallmark of the United States. While not all Americans fall prey to Madison Avenue's propaganda glamorizing gluttony, many do. People of other industrialized nations enjoy a respectable standard of living without consuming a quarter of the world's resources (while representing only 5% of the world's population). Other nations face reprisals and penalties for the violation of international law. Without regard for justice, the United States wields international law like a club or blatantly defies it, depending on what best suits American interests at the time. Ongoing support of repressive regimes (like Saudi Arabia's) to further America's economic interests, unflinching support of its proxy military enforcer in the Middle East (Israel), disregard for the plight of the Palestinians, and hypocrisy over who gets to join the "nuclear club" are but a few more examples of how America's government engenders more abhorrence of America and invites continued terrorism.
2007-07-22 09:47:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It saddens me to have to agree with the very first answer to this question. I understand Americans being offended by some of these answers here but one cannot deny, that as painful as it may be, truth has been spoken.
If only they could step back & see themselves & their actions worldwide a little more objectively they may be able to act in a more humane, understanding & less offensive way & make less enemies. It sure wouldn't hurt them to try to understand the mentality, customs & problems of those they are dealing with.
But it does appear they are a little out of touch & even those governments who ally themselves with them have populations who are becoming increasingly anti American, and I'm talking about Western Europeans here.
These peoples lack trust for many of their own politicians as it is & blinded support for misguided American policy simply widens the divides.
How sad. If only this Christian nation could act in a more Christian way they would be contributing to a more harmonious environment worldwide. It certainly wouldn't hurt any.
2007-07-22 10:53:48
answer #2
answered by Gary C 3
If you have to ask, you wouldn;t understand.
"HuGe LoNg BeLtS Ltd" can't be "thriving" if there is no mention of it on a yahoo search.
why is that?
2007-07-22 17:23:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It is not!
Ultimately the best nation in the world is where you feel happy. 99% like America's money, feels sick about its GM junk food and deplore the stupidity, low education and arrogance of the American person.
Thats about it!
2007-07-25 22:32:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
2% of the world population has over 50% of the wealth
18 million people die in poverty every year
most people in the world - and USA - have to work hard and struggle all their life. the lazy minority, who do nothing, get rich off this work
whenever any country tries to improve their situation the USA dedicates itself to starving their people, toppling the government, or murdering the leader... eg Castro and Cuba
the USA is full of people on anti-depressants and has dreadful crime statistics
the verdict?
america is an awful country
2007-07-22 09:53:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Because God has blessed the American people with having no shame. Alleluyah!
2007-07-22 10:18:20
answer #6
answered by bouncer bobtail 7
Because we are governed by the idea of the free market system in economics. Not redistributing the wealth Hilliary.
2007-07-22 09:47:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Are they bound by less red tape than the UK regarding your thriving business?.. maybe thats why..
2007-07-22 09:47:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Bit of a change of pace, eh?
2007-07-22 09:49:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Take some indigestion pills you keep repeating yourself.
2007-07-22 09:48:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous