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How is it that the true wise
Appear as fools
How is it that the true rich
Appear as poor
What trickery of God is this
That the king be born in a manger
Why does the Lord
Sit with the low and humble
Why should the Almighty
Allow himself to be nailed to a tree
Why does he that sits upon the throne
In the heaven of heavens
And control the atoms
And sets the stars
And knows tomorrow
And dwells in eternity
Why does he consider me?
The Wind told me once
Your are a stranger
That sojourns in a strange land
Work, while it is day
For after that
There is a place prepared for you
How is it that of all the powers in the world
Mercy and Love are the greatest

2007-07-21 15:15:35 · 4 answers · asked by ignoramus_the_great 7 in Arts & Humanities Poetry

4 answers

Your eyes behold but the mind sees only that which has been programed by feelings.
You have control of earthy things by a God given
ability to do so. Mercy and love are things that anyone can give and are there by gifts of God.
The evil man creates, are of his own choosing God gave the gift of knowledge so man could understand the difference. We may never understand all we have been given, so we should try to use it wisely.

2007-07-21 15:46:56 · answer #1 · answered by Charles H 4 · 1 1

Bleeding pathetic as a poem. This sounds like something a slightly loony Lutheran woman of 61 years with grey hair would babble to her husband who isn't listening because he's busy trying to drive and think at the same time and besides he has heard it for 40 years and really never cared a bit.

2007-07-21 23:11:15 · answer #2 · answered by Kiril 2 · 0 1

your jumping around in hences and your not using the best of word choices but I like the concept, its a well-worn inspirational goldmine, but it still churns out some great stuff every now and then.

2007-07-21 22:45:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very nice and thought-provoking. Thank you.

2007-07-22 13:13:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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