yes i have, 3 times and now i'm involved with another one, cannot xplain how controllin freak he is, but i love him can't help that, at times really wanna jump outta my window
2007-07-21 10:12:19
answer #1
answered by нƐ∂ıɣƐн 7
I've never been with a controlling person before. But I did brake up with a guy because he kept trying even after I said no
2007-07-22 12:37:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I had a horrible boyfriend when I was 18, before I met him he was heavily into drugs and self harm, but told me that being with me made him not want to do those things any more. Needless to say, whenever I hinted about breaking up he would tell me that he would probably commit suicide if we broke up, and that he would be back into his bad habits. Eventually I found the courage to break up with him, it was a very hard thing to do. He kept begging me to reconsider, which only made it harder. You need to be strong, and think that the longer you wait to do it, the harder it will be. Good luck
2016-05-19 06:26:55
answer #3
answered by clarice 3
I have absolutely broken up with controlling men. I am in control of my own life. I don't need a keeper. However, there have been men I've wished were more assertive. (Notice I didn't say controlling).
2007-07-23 05:47:33
answer #4
answered by Erin 7
Yes, I have left a man because he was too controlling. I could never put up with that again. It was too damaging to my health.
2007-07-22 12:59:54
answer #5
answered by Panda 4
Breaking up with controlling men doesn't seem to have been an issue in any of my relationships to date.
Lazy, yes.
Controlling, no.
2007-07-21 12:16:54
answer #6
answered by Puresnow 6
Yes, he was way too controlling....he turned out to be a complete psychopath
2007-07-21 10:36:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I broke up with a fiance because he was too controlling.
There were other issues, but that was the worst.
2007-07-23 10:56:34
answer #8
answered by M S 7
He began to be too controlling & I left him.
2007-07-21 10:05:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes, i do not like to be controlled
2007-07-21 15:39:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous