no, wait, wasn't Bananaman English too?
2007-07-21 05:37:30
answer #1
answered by zoeksalamander 4
Idiotic British surrenderers? Only hereos from the Blair era are the poor b*stards fighting and dying in Iraq for a diasastrous and possibly illegal war. Middle East Peace Envoy? How ironic!
2007-07-21 05:41:34
answer #2
answered by Ed 3
I was a big fan of TB. The day he got into power was a truly memorable day after 18 years of Tory rule - we'd begun to think Democracy in this country had packed it's bags and left. But, we did not want the war with Iraq - and we marched (biggest rally ever over anything) we wrote to our MP's and I, for one, truly believed Mr Blair would put our considerations before any other, but he didn't. He may well have believed he was doing the right thing, but from where we were sitting it looked as if he was merely putting what Pres. Bush wanted first. I was so sure Blair would say 'no' to Bush and when he didn't, when he sent our troops to war, I, and I'm sure most other subjects of the UK, felt incredibly betrayed. It may be some credit to Blair that he had the power to make us feel this way but it was not a nice feeling, it made me feel as if Blair didn't actually like the people of this country very much, he certainly appeared to have no respect for our opinion although I expect he wished he'd listened to us now!
I totally agree with you, Skippy's mum.
2007-07-21 05:43:13
answer #3
answered by Dr Watson (UK) 5
Im afraid you are on a hiding to nothing with many people on this one. We got stuck with Blair in much the same way you got stuck with Bush and once in we couldn't get him out.
He got us into Iraq a conflict that we never wanted, much less win. Who wants their young soldiers slaughtered and brought home in body bags, defending someone else's country. As to hero don't you think that applies to the poor soldiers that got shunted into this mess.
He was a brown nosing self serving publicist, sucking up to Bush for his own agenda. He's going to be a mediator, whats that? in the middle east, and im sure before long will appear on the US lecture circuit earning big bucks, telling you all what a great prime minister he was an how he had a special relationship with the US. You can keep him.
2007-07-21 06:19:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Tony Blair was the worst prime minister in Living History and George Bush under educated cowboy. Tony Blair has made such a complete and utter mess of things called public services. The hospitals are on there knees The schools are on their knees, the fire service is stretched to the limits. The old people starving living in disgusting places left to die on hospital trolleys, left to die if they break their hip to save on theatre time. The justice system in such a terrible state they dont know what they are doing. The buses and trains running at all the wrong times if they run at all. Women dying because britain are choosing post codes in order to give medication.
There are far more drug and alchol dependancy units thanks to him. The employment figures fixed and lied about.
Gordon Brown will never achive anything because of the complete and utter mess he has to start sorting out. Bush and Blairs war no one going to answer to it again? cash for honours no one going to answer to it. ( so you think tony is a hero) then you are american.
2007-07-21 06:19:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He planned it all. Don't worry. He's so great (like Winston Churchill) that he's gone to find the WMD and Bin Laden himself. What a great guy. But before that he'll go round the world telling everyone how great he is, just make sure. And get lots of money from them. What a great guy. He's so great he'll bring all the blown-up and slaughtered British soldiers back from the dead, and then raise the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis and US soldiers. And stabilise Iraq.
2007-07-21 05:37:25
answer #6
answered by King_Nelson_Brilliant 2
I hold anglo-american relations in high regard,whatsmore,I wholly support the Iraq occupation and war on terror.
However,I have to question Blairs motives for his support.
Was Blair a naive jumped up schoolboy who suddenly and unexpectedly found himself in the throngs of power?Did he stand open mouthed in awe at the thought of being in the Presidents company?Did he feel that following the confident leader of the worlds greatest democracy,automatically guaranteed him success as a world statesman?
The answers to these questions has to be an emphatic YES.
Most British people are fully aware of Cherie and Tonys ego and desire for favourable legacy.To Tony,it didnt matter if it was Iraq,Finland or Legoland.To Tony principles are cheap and fleeting.
Cast your mind back to Mrs Thatcher.She made her own decisions based on principle.I like to think that she also would have ventured british military action in the gulf also,but for the right reasons.
In essence,Blairs decision to deploy troops in a country he couldnt point to on a map was more by sycophancy than design.aware of this we shouldnt recognise Blair for his one and only correct action throughout his entire government.
Speaking of surrenderers.Hasnt Blair virtually surrendered Ulster to the IRA?Oh sorry "peace deal".Tell me,is this why so many men,women ,children and fine servicemen died at the hands of the terrorists.?For it to have been in vain?
Did you know that Blair began talks with Argentina to discuss possible "power sharing" in the Falklands?Are you aware already surrendered some of our rights to rule in Gibraltar?
Wasnt he the one that surrendered ,with the world watching, the hard fought EU rebate to the French in the game of oneupmanship over the common agricultural policy?
Didnt he surrender our laws to the EU and our very country to the muslim invaders?
Blair was the enemy of my country.
2007-07-21 06:18:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Because we aren't americans, he may have been lovely to you but he wasn't so great towards us.
You can have him if you like? Honestly, we don't mind... and do you want Gordon Brown too?
ps, intelligent and educated - do those two words really go together? They sort of mean the same thing, and wouldn't really work when refering to any British politican.
2007-07-21 06:26:38
answer #8
answered by floppity 7
I think Winston Churchill was one of the hero's of the day in GB.
When Neville Chamberlain thought he could deal with Hitler and flew to Munich, he folded like a cheap suit, Churchill called the Munich Agreement, "a disaster of the first magnitude".
2007-07-21 05:49:02
answer #9
answered by Nancy S 6
Because he didn't listen to what his British public wanted.
Its ok playing the politician but its a waste of resorces if he doesn't listen to the voting public.
If you think he's great offer him permanent residency where you live? Maybe one day you will be stuck with him for President & you will have a taste of how he treats the public in general.
2007-07-21 05:40:40
answer #10
answered by skippy's mum 4
You mean "Yo, Blair" ? Lapdog Tony? I hope that is not the best the British have to offer.
By blindly following Bush in his invasion of Iraq, he has made Britain the number one target of muslim extremist hatred in Europe.
2007-07-21 05:38:37
answer #11
answered by ignoramus 7