I really hope Peace.
But what we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.
Napoleon said this not me, but how true he was eh??
2007-07-21 02:52:44
answer #1
answered by shaun s 4
I would really like to be able to expect peace but looking at history and my own personal family history I realize that is most likely not going to happen. While research my family treeI have found out that I have ancestors who were a part of every single war there was, from the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, the civil war (both sides) w WW! and WW2 as well as Vietnam and the first gulf war. I think its time for my family members to stop sacrificing for this country.
2007-07-21 04:33:29
answer #2
answered by Darla 5
It is not really the question of generations, since the majority used to decide. But I expect war and chaos. However very significant part of that generation is afraid of causing trouble, I mean REAL trouble, that ends in civil or world war and results in the death of thousands of people. But unfortunately, I can see only chaos now.
2007-07-25 02:36:16
answer #3
answered by leomcholwer 3
Most definitely peace if the government let them be, I have three teenage sons and twins of 7yrs, If I could have ten pounds not euros for every time somebody had remarked he'll come to no good, he'll be behind bars before he's done well Id be taking a holiday this year, My eldest is now a tattooist, my next eldest has had a go at lobster potting at sea with my father, but not for him so he joined a printing company my last teen is 14 still at secondary school but has dealt with ADHD without support from our doc but channeled it through rugby and swimming had some help with anger management but never medication. Im a single mother and Id be lying if i said its been easy but if you show kids the way, not having to do as their peers do but to see that individualism brings so much more their way you cant go far wrong. Us older ones tend to carry a tar brush luckily im using a different colour.
2007-07-21 04:50:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I expect war. Society has moved forward in many wars but there is always a war raging due to religious beliefs.
Our children will live with the legacy's we have passed on to them. They will continue to squabble over land, over who's Holy Book is telling the truth, over how we should behave as a society. There are "warring nations" in our world, we all know who they are. Some do it in the "name" of peace, some do it in the name of God...an oxy-moron if ever I heard it!
They say there are only 2 things constant in all our lives, taxes and death. I think you can add war to that too....sadly
2007-07-24 23:06:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
More C02 emissions, vacuous celebrities dominating the airwaves and the sinister background creepings of a cold war brewing with England and Russia.... Yep, war is on the menu , kids.
2007-07-22 08:04:57
answer #6
answered by AndyB 3
I expect peace from the younger generation, but the old folks will wage war on them and take over their bodies, once they perfect brain transplants...you heard it here first.
2007-07-21 02:58:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"Man is unique in that he knows nothing. He can learn nothing without being taught. He can neither speak nor walk nor eat, in fact he can do nothing by natural instinct alone except weep."
Pliny the Elder
I'd expect youth will attempt to learn whatever they need to know about peace and war.
No evidence suggests we older ones have anything to teach them on such matters, given our dearth of success during our own watch.
2007-07-21 03:28:28
answer #8
answered by Jack P 7
I expect peace from the younger generation, unless they are provoked, in which case, I see them using their exposure to violent video games, movies, and other violent media stuff ... so we need to be aware of the damage they can do ... although over all they're all mommy & daddy's kids.
2007-07-21 02:54:37
answer #9
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
Well, If your talking Iran....70% of there population is 30 or under. Vastly pro-western and they love America. I suspect a revolution to occur before Iran extremist get nukes. God Bless
2007-07-21 03:19:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Since the bad is starting to out number the good, I'm afraid it will be war.
2007-07-21 03:11:45
answer #11
answered by Anonymous