It sounds like Caligula(a former Emperor of Rome who in fact married his cousin). Na'h I'm just playing. This is a very odd situation. It's not really a normal situation and the average person might not even want to answer but I think I know what it might be.
I actually studied a little of Psychology and I have heard or read instances that sometimes a brother may have a crush on the sister or vice versa. Personally, it's a mind thing. I don't think literally you are attracted to him(sexually and sensually). He's probably the type of brother that you just respect and adore. Also, maybe he's always been there for you, so therefore, that can cause more appealing to him. Really I think it's on your mind. It's a part of your unconscious that literally, is not true. It's a make up for your fantasy.
Your probably still young and the young people go through alot of emotions throughout the beginning. Teens for example, use their emotions to understand a situation.
PS: Some people(average person) don't see this as normal. But in reality, it does happen. It doesn't happen alot though. It's more of a fantasy thing, than reality. But if you are in fact infatuated by him, then that's actually another careful please.....
2007-07-20 06:53:26
answer #1
answered by Lucifer6972 4
Ah, step brother. That makes a difference. He's not really your "own brother" just because your parents got hitched. Tread carefully, in either case. There's no biological reason why you two can't hook up, but the family relationship will undoubtedly be a problem. And, of course, how he feels about you matters, too. If you live in the same house, the convenience factor of having him down the hall and sharing a bathroom may overwhelm your good judgment (and his). The best advice here is to do nothing, except maybe take a lot of walks by yourself and an occasional cold shower (supposed to work for guys, don't know about gals) until such time as you aren't sharing a house, then see where it goes from there. Maybe eventually over-familiarity will cool whatever feelings you have for him at the present.
2007-07-20 07:40:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Look, there is a real stigma associated with this kind of thing, but if you take away the conventions of society, your brother is just another man. If you're attracted to men, it's not unlikely that this type of situation can happen. The fact that he has supported you adds to how you feel toward him. You love and respect him, maybe even aspire to be like him, and on top of that, you find him attractive as a man. I myself don't have any brothers, but I could see how you could experience these confused feelings. I wouldn't worry mate :D
2016-04-01 03:51:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well I first think this question is in the wrong section but I don't know where you would put a question like this. Second, I think you should see a therapist that can help you sort out your sexual feelings because it probably isn't your brother that you are attracted to but your hormones are just raging.
2007-07-20 06:53:03
answer #4
answered by Nicole T 3
I have read in books that people will have sexual thoughts of other family members at one point in there lives. It is due to hormones and closeness of the family!! Our sexual feelings and thoughts are different as we gorw up. When are little children we play house with our cousins and brothers and sisters. It is all normal to so me yours I will show you mine !! I dont care what anyone else says on the posting , do your research first before you open your big mouths!!
A family doctor will tell this!!
If you do not lose these feelings and really have the urge to act on it, you need to talk to someone who can help you to stop it before it happens or you try and he never talks to you again!! Just maybe focus on a boy at school or find something to keep you busy for awhile and away from him!!
2007-07-20 06:46:38
answer #5
answered by saralen 2
How old are you,Hon?Sometimes,when hormones are still developing and new feelings are still kicking in,we get 'false signals'.Some girls,for example,think they're gay for a year or two early on,and then discover that they arent.This is,hopefully,just something like that,a false signal.One thing I can tell you is this:you DON'T want to act on these feelings.We live in a moderately tolerant society,but no one condones that.I answered a question in here one time from a girl who had a baby with her bro.She was completely shunned by her family and had no place to go.I honestly did'nt even know what to tell her.So,keep it in your' head,you can't do anything wrong in your' mind.Good Luck.
2007-07-20 06:48:58
answer #6
answered by M 7
No matter how good looking your brother is, I'm sure there are plenty of other people in the world to be attracted to, just keep saying that.
I'm sure you'll find someone else out there.
2007-07-20 06:42:37
answer #7
answered by The Smile Man 6
This is not right,you need to stop thinking about him.Try and find something else to do which gets you out of being in uncomfortable situations with him.Maybe you would just like a partner in general be patient the right guy will come along.
2007-07-20 06:43:08
answer #8
answered by Classy Clarissa 7
Just find someone else to focus your lust on. Its not normal to feel those things for your brother, but you also need to remember it does happen even in nature. Do your best, find another man, even a celebrity you can focus on, and try not to think about your brother in that way.
And yes, it is illegal to act on your lust with him. Its also icky.
2007-07-20 06:42:25
answer #9
answered by Danny N 4
i think thats ok since its your step brother. i kiss my older sister and we make out a lot in bed. we share each other's bodies eating each other out, kissing and stuff like that and do stuff together and our mom doesn't even know till this day. yay!
2007-07-20 07:05:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous